Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finally Moving

I'm so happy to report that we have a house waiting for us in Biloxi, and moving plans are underway!

Jesse has yet again received special favor from God...he has flown through the red tape and paperwork that is required to live off base with your family. Many of his friends are still waiting to be allowed to even go off base, and he's heard that some guys don't get the privilege for up to 6 weeks after the arrive at base! So he's been able to pass the tests/checks, get the paperwork through, and get a house in record time! I will be down there about 4 and 1/2 weeks after him! He's amazing! I always tell him he's lucky (aka blessed by God!)

It's seemed like a long time, but now that we're reserving a moving truck and booking plane tickets it doesn't matter! I'm so excited to be a "real family" know, the kind that actually live in the same! :o)

So my amazing parents are driving all my stuff down for me so I can fly with Lily. They'll leave next Sunday morning and then I'll leave Tuesday morning and meet up with them in Alabama (just south of where my Aunt and Uncle live). Then we'll all drive the last 5 hours to my new Mississippi home!

Now for one crazy week of planning, packing, and goodbyes!

1 comment:

  1. I read July '10 today (5/5/11) while waiting for you to get internet in Germany . . . got a little teary-eyed about the move to Biloxi, but Dad and I had a fun trip . . . and we all had a blast coming down in December! Can't wait to get passports and head to Germany!
