Friday, July 9, 2010

Graduation, Part 3

Saturday. Our last full day with Jesse. (And his last day to be off base with us.) We had pretty good weather so we went down to the Riverwalk and took a river boat tour. It was pretty cool and our guide was really funny. My favorite part was when he told us that there were life vests, but the water was only three feet deep, so if we fell out we should just stand up and walk behind him! ;o) No wait, my favorite part was when he had everyone thank Jesse for his service (which embarrased Jesse...but I thought it was great!) and the applause was so loud that Lily started screaming like someone had pinched her! This is her on the boat telling Daddy that she's fine and she loves him even though she cries whenever anyone but me holds her! (And also when people around her clap and cheer!) We went to a nice dinner...well, pretty nice. I won't complain about the outrageous wait that wasn't really worth the okay-but-not-fantastic food and service. Jesse enjoyed his steak and that's what counts. (And I had a brownie sundae for dinner so *I'm* definitely not complaining!) Then we had to take him back to base. Boo.

So we packed up, went to bed, and got up bright and early to say goodbye to our hotel, the nice lady at the coffee shop, and San Antonio. We only had an hour and a half with Jesse before we had to head to the airport. So we walked around the mini mall and found Jess a good watch to go with his dress blues. And had coffee. And took pictures. And said goodbye...again. Boo.

It actually wasn't that hard saying goodbye. And our flights home went so much better Lily-wise than the first ones. AND we got to see fireworks on the drive home to the Cape. But by the time I drove home to Corning on Monday it was starting to set's been a little harder for me to adjust to this part of our adventure. I had my first meltdown cry-session over it. I was a little overwhelmed with the miss-my-man tears. I think it was mostly because we don't know my move date yet...we don't know the details and it could be a little while.

Ironically Jesse called me in the middle of my meltdown! So here I am crying and he's reminding me that there's a light at the end of the tunnel...even though we don't know when, we know it will probably be by the end of August at the latest. AND he gets to call me most nights. So I just need to relax, settle back into a routine, and enjoy the time I have left here with my family.

Also, I had a long talk with God the next day. I was reminded that he's still faithful and loving and his plan for us is still good. Soon I'll be with my husband again...enjoying the blistering Mississippi heat and watching the oil spill waves! :o)


  1. you have done a fantabulous job of summarizing our time with Jesse. do you know yet when tech school begins?

  2. Thanks! And you get all the credit for most of the pics I posted! ;o) Pretty much all of them were taken by you, even on my camera! Thanks for that! And tech school starts July 26th.
