Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Mornings

Jesse got me this coffee cup way back in the day before we were even engaged. Or maybe we were engaged, but not married...I don't remember. Anyways, it's one of my favorites because sunshine-yellow makes me smile. And helps me feel awake. Especially at 6:15am, which is generally the time I've dragged myself out of bed and gotten ready for some devos with God. This getting up early again thing is relatively new, but I'm loving it. I feel so much better prepared for the day when I'm awake and alert and meditating on God's goodness when I go in to get LJ up...rather than waking up to her fussing for me. And this cup. It just makes me so happy! Especially because it reminds me of how much Jesse loves me and how thoughtful he is. And especially when it's filled with chai tea, which is my new morning drink of choice. Mmmmm.

Also, Jesse rocks because he came home yesterday afternoon and asked what I thought of a spontaneous beach trip...(he also brought me home some chocolate like I'd asked! My favorite -Snickers- only King size...cause he's cool like that. And I ate the whole thing.)..and I said YES! Which is a big deal cause I'm usually not so good at being flexible with his spontaneous ways! :o) So throwing caution and baby's schedule to the wind we changed into suits and packed up and it was SO FUN and LJ had a blast and I did, too. Even though we got sand everywhere. Like in Lily's mouth (her fault completely, we're questioning her sanity). And the car. And the house. And the bathtub. But sitting on the beach as a family playing in the waves (and praying there wasn't oil around) made for a perfect memory.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! That whole post made me go "awwww"...all the way through.
