Friday, October 8, 2010


Question: What's more tired than an 8-month pregnant woman with an 11-month old?

Answer: An Air Force Tech student who's also an Airman Leader with an 8-month pregnant wife and an 11-month-old.

To protect his honor I will not take pictures of him sleeping. (Even if I think he's so cute...I'm relatively certain he would not approve!) I will also protect his honor by not publicly revealing the ridiculously early hours that he's been falling asleep on me lately! ;o)

Suffice it to say that this is the first time in our marriage where the night owl is falling asleep before the morning person! Although, that's probably bound to happen when the night owl is forced to wake up at 3am most mornings...and doesn't get home until after 5pm most nights. And when the morning person has the option of at least one, sometimes two, catnaps during the day...and tends to drink too much tea and coffee!

But three cheers for long weekends! Three cheers for rest! Three cheers for time together as a family!

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