Monday, November 1, 2010

And Then

Friday was the drill down.

Then we came home and crashed cause of our crazy morning.

Then Jesse picked up his friend from class to babysit LJ so we could go on another baby-free date. We tried a Hibachi grill down the road (mmmmm so good!) and we went to a movie (RED - very funny). A nice night out.

Then we spent Saturday morning moving LJ into her new big girl room down the hall. Jess had to totally take the crib apart cause it wouldn't fit through the doors :o) and he was very gracious to rearrange all the other furniture the way I want it! Now I just need to do a little more organizing and arranging and the rooms will be all set. All of our upstairs closets are a bit of a confused mess...gotta get on that.

Then I baked some super yummy pumpkin mini muffins. And made cream cheese icing.

Then Jesse did a few volunteer hours.

Then we went to our friends' house cause they were having a few SepRat couples over for burgers and brats. I met some new gals and we had a jolly old time. And Lily did pretty good being up late again.

Then we went to church Sunday and enjoyed a really funny guest speaker.

Then I made Jesse help me install LJ's new carseat in the car. I'm still not 100% sure I've got it reclined correctly (those things are so crazy to figure out!) but we'll figure it out before she rides in it, promise! :o)

Then our friend Sean came over to hang out with Jesse cause his wife had to work all day and he was bored. They put together Jesse's weight bench in the garage. So now he can work out, which is good. Even though we can't park the car in the garage anymore ;o)

Then we watched the Pats game. Sean's a Pats fan, too. And I made cheeseburger pasta and put LJ to bed early cause she was a cranky pants.

Then the boys went to accountability.

Then a trick-or-treater rang my doorbell, though I had no lights on and no candy, cause it was a busy weekend and I was being a scrooge. Poor little trick-or-treater. I had a bag of dove dark chocolate that I *could* have shared. But little kids don't like dark chocolate. So I kept being a scrooge! ;o)

Then Jesse came home and we taught Toni how to Skype and it was really fun. Then we went to bed.

The end.


  1. It was really fun! Sooooooo good to see and talk with you both.
    Save some work for me to help with.
    Want to see RED but may have to wait for the dvd version -
    Glad you two had a chance to get out!

  2. Oh I plan on having a few projects for you to help with...probably cooking/freezing a few meals with me, and DEFINITELY keeping the kid out of my hair so I can actually relax while getting a few last minute projects done! ;o) But that may all go out the window if you're watching the kid so I can deliver another!! :o) (Fingers crossed!) Love ya.
