Saturday, November 27, 2010


I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know we did. It was a beautiful day full of parade and football watching, pie and reuben eating, and general relaxation and laziness. (i.e. I was in my pajamas all day!)

We confirmed what we've known for a long time: Lily is a TV-Head :o) She sat on our laps and watched an hour of the Macy's Parade!

Also confirmed: Eating more than one piece of pecan pie with whiskey maple cream sauce in a day will give you a tummy-ache ;o)

Yesterday we spent all morning/early afternoon shopping. LJ was such a trooper about the almost complete lack of naps in her day! We didn't get much checked off our Christmas list(s) but we had a good time together...we ate lunch at Logan's Steakhouse (which is pretty much exactly like Texas Roadhouse) and it was delicious! Plus, I love places where you throw peanuts on the floor cause you don't have to worry about cleaning up after your messy kid!

The weather is nice today (rained all day yesterday) so we're thinking it's going to be Tree Day. (Christmas Tree Day)

It is not, apparently, going to be Labor Day or Delivery Day! :o) Based on my mommy-intuition (and the uh, complete absence of any real contractions) I'd say this little bun still has a few more days in the oven! My kids seem to like cooking a little "extra". Due dates...sheesh...

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