Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lovely Morning

Sam didn't cry as much last night...I was still up a lot cause she seems to be into "cluster feeding" from about 2-6am. But I did get a few good naps in before and after that time. Plus the sun was gorgeously shining when we all woke up around 9...which put me in a really good mood...which put Jesse in a really good mood...which made him easily convinced to take his girls out to IHOP for breakfast :o)

Sam had her first hot chocolate. Just kidding, obviously ;o)

I really am way less tired than I look here :o)

Lily helped me eat my breakfast. One of my favorite things about IHOP is their ridiculously sweet pancake assortment. The combos (with eggs and hashbrowns and bacon and stuff) are great cause we get some real food and then can have the cinnamon stack pancakes (today's choice!) for dessert! :o) They had cinnamon filling in between them with cream cheese icing and whipped cream on top. Jesse and I were placing bets on LJ's reaction when they were gone...he was right, she cried. It was a sad, mournful cry, too. Poor chubby buggy.

Can we talk about this weather? What is today...December 7th? I wore flip flops and none of us had coats on...the sun was amazing...there was just a crisp breeze. (Oh, Sam had a hat and blankie on...don't worry Mom!)

It was a lovely morning to be out and about with my new family of four.

I'm loving this! :o)


  1. Lily and Katie have matching cheeks now :) You look great for just having another little one!

  2. Why thank you, ma'am! And yeah, Lily had a little catching up to do but she's finally got that gerber baby pudgie cuteness :o)

  3. I second that you look amazing, Jess! That weather looks fantastic! I'm enjoying our snow but it won't be long that the snow won't be pretty anymore and I will be dying for sunshine!

  4. Dear Lillian Jayce,
    This gramma can NOT WAIT to kiss those suddenly pudgy cheeks - - wow did they ever grow since summer (how is this the first picture I've noticed it in?)! Hug your momma and daddy and baby sister for me and I'll see you in TWO WEEKS!!!!!
    Gramma Rawleigh

  5. Yeah, wow. Those cheeks! So cute. And that is you looking tired? Psssh! I hate you. :P I'm so glad you four had that day together. xoxo
