Saturday, January 29, 2011

Applying for Passports

I snapped these with my cell when we got home from our PCS errands yesterday.  Poor little lovebugs.  They did so good.  LJ *completely* missed her morning nap and SJ got all confused, too.  But they were great, considering! 

I'm really getting the hang of this "be flexible when doing anything that has to do with military paperwork" thing.  Ha.  It's crazy!  Basically, Jesse and I stayed up late Thursday night trying to make sure we had all our military passport applications ready and all the proper paperwork together.  He made arrangements for a friend to drive him in to school so I'd have the car.  BUT I realized in the morning that I wouldn't be able to apply for the girls passports unless Jesse was present to sign.  So I called his MTL and asked if he could get a message to him at the school to see if he would be able to get out of class for a quick trip to the passport official.

And in just under three hours we got four passport photos taken (quite comical to hold LJ and SJ up on that stool for their little photo shoot!) and got all three Aiduk girls' military passport applications mailed out.  We can't leave the country till we get them, but that shouldn't be a problem since we're taking a month vacation in between Keesler and Sembach. 

Side note:  the Air Force is paying for our military passports, and I guess technically that's all you need to travel in the European Union.  We've heard you may need tourist passports to travel to France... and "I'd dearly love to go to France..." (and now I want to go listen to Keb' Mo'!) but we've decided that, for now, traveling in Germany will keep us *plenty* busy.  We can decide later if it's worth the $400 it would cost us to get everyone tourist passports!  (Highway robbery, I tell ya!) 

So, whew, one thing checked of our "to-do before PCSing" list. 

And now I am going to go change some diapers, feed some babies, and wake up a husband to join me for a run by the beach.  He's not gonna like it, but he'll thank me for it later! ;o) 

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