Thursday, January 27, 2011

On A Mission

My mission during naptime is to turn this pile of metal and wheels into a double jogging stroller.

I am armed with the instruction manual, which I will actually read, unlike my more mechanically minded better half ;o)

And my side-kick is sound asleep, all tuckered out from our walk to the Post Office.  This is a huge plus, as she is actually decided unhelpful with such projects.

I'm a little nervous that these might be my undoing... but I'm determined to at least give it a try before whining to my dead tired husband that he has to do it rightthissecond when he gets home tonight! ;o)  

Hopefully I will be victorious!


  1. You can do it Jessica! Rararah!! Just remember that often the writers of those nifty instruction booklets don't even put one of those together - sooo if it gets 'confusing' - go with your common sense!
    as for your sidekick - she's so stinking cute (esp with the headband!) she doesn't have to be helpful!

  2. Haha your advice is perfect... that's exactly what ended up happening! I almost gave up till I started focusing more on the pictures! ;o) Heck, I even found the screw driver in Jesse's tool mess! I'm a little bummed that I might not be able to use it tomorrow... it needs to have the wheels inflated first. We'll see how early Jess gets home... PS: LOVE YOU.
