Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rockabye Baby

This is my rocking horse from when I was a little girl.  My Grandma helped me start a rocking horse collection... this is the only thing I took with me from home.  The rest of it is in a box in my Mom's attic... but this sucker is just too cool!
I finally pulled it out of the closet for her and she loves it!
Seeing her play with it is weird... I used to play on this thing... when I was this size!  (Don't cry, Mom!)  I don't have any *real* memory of it.  Mostly, there's a picture of me climbing on it when I was probably about LJ's age.  Reminds me of how fast time flies... makes me feel nostalgic.  Makes me want to run over there and squeeze her tight and never let her go... or grow...
"Momma, stop being so sappy or I'm going to hide from you!"
Apparently the butt of the horsey is easier to hang onto than his handles ;o)
Can you believe I was this little once?  (Mom, don't cry!)


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm always watching my girls and getting instantly nostalgic. My heart sinks and tummy tumbles when I think about how tomorrow they'll be graduating from high school.

  2. Or riding your rocking horse! :o)

  3. oh yeah, funny Jess . . . you just keep being all sappy and nostalgic and I won't cry. HA! very funny (not really). I think I will get that picture out and frame it! (aren't you naked in that one?)

  4. Uh... yeah... thanks for bringing that up Mom ;o) I don't typically let LJ run around naked for fear of her peeing all over, but perhaps I'll take a matching photo for you sometime! ;o)

  5. I cried. Linda... you had to have cried!

  6. I made one of the pics big while Josh was near me. He went crazy!!! WOOY!!! BU!!!!!! ;) The kid has a huge jones for Toy Story. It's super cute.

  7. Aw! When I watched Toy Story 3, I cried. Twice. We're gonna blame the postpartum hormones, not the fact that's I'm a freak! ;o)

  8. yes, Nicole and Jess . . . I cried! I remember picking out that hunk of wood and I remember all the times I stubbed my toe(s) on it and all the times it got puked on and I had to clean it and all the babies who loved it well! Heck, I even remember crying when we put on the basement storage shelves when we moved here b/c it didn't fit in the living room any more! Yup I cried!

  9. Awwww poor Mom! Sniff, sniff. Okay, let's stop talking about all this! ;o)
