Monday, January 17, 2011

Social Drinking

I love coffee.  LOVE IT.  I also want to eat healthy, and have been researching nutrition lately.  I keep coming across various reasons why coffee is so bad for my body.  And I briefly considered giving the stuff up...

...but I can't.

And it's not that I'm addicted to the caffeine either.  (At least, I don't think I am... I don't usually get headaches if I miss my morning cuppa...)

No, it's that I'm addicted to the experience.

I just love to smell it brewing in the morning.  I love the relaxing process of getting it ready.  (This lovely experience is extra lovely with my new french press!  But more on that later...)  I love flavored creamers.  (Which is adding an even unhealthier dimension to an already unhealthy habit.)  I love brightly colored mugs.  And I absolutely love love love holding a warm cup in my hands while I enjoy a quiet house in the morning.  (Which isn't *always* the case... but it's fantastic when I can snag a few quiet moments while they're both sleeping.) 

And that's just at home on a regular day!

I love the social aspect of coffee.  Coffee shops, lattes, and dates with friends.  Hanging out at my parent's house with the whole family around... a whole pot brewing along with the smell of bacon, eggs, and the newspaper.  "Going out for coffee" means a sweet time of hanging out together... even if, like Mom and Steph, you drink tea instead :o)

And don't get me started on my fond memories of sister coffee dates - they all started with Cassie and Bethany.  Cass became a sister before I married her brother.  And coffee dates helped strengthen the best-friend-bond I have with my sisters.

Just the smell of coffee brings back memories of places - our house in Montour, where my first coffee habit began, the corner window table at Soul Full Cup, staff bible study at camp, the bright sunshine pouring into Heavenly Cup.  

And my Dad.  Coffee reminds me of my Dad.  See, it was Dad who introduced me to the stuff.  And he did it on purpose.  So what if it "stunts your growth" and gives you bad breath and rips the calcium out of your bones :o)  Dad wanted us to love coffee because of all the fun smells, experiences, and memories it brings with it. 

So there you have it.  I. Love. Coffee.  Thanks for passing me my first cup, Dad... even though I didn't really like it at first! ;o)  I certainly love it now.

And I love you.


  1. Fantastic! And I love you too. I have gotten into a ritual, part of my relaxation in the evening is to sit by the fire and read your blog. I look forward to it each day. You are a great kid, always my little girl.

  2. I don't know what I want to do more... cry or brew some coffee....

  3. Take your prenatal, peel an orange, munch while the coffee's brewing, and allow yourself a not-so-terrible indulgence. It has a lot of health benefits too (including - but not limited to - the very human, social aspect of the coffee date). Not everything in life has to have an inarguable benefit. Some things can just be deliciously fun, right? God didn't want us to just endure life. He wants us to sit back, chat with a friend about how pretty the sunlight he created for us is and how yummy our coffee smells and feels in our hands. At least, that's what I think...

  4. Dad... geez... you're making me get all teary-eyed. Wish I could be sitting by the fire with you.

    Yep Hilary, I definitely agree.

  5. ...and if I'm not mistaken, we have a mere couple months until we can be enjoying these great gifts TOGETHER!!!!! Can't wait for March, can't wait for March, can't wait for March!
