Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: "Ball Pit"


  1. haha that's awesome and you can put it away very easily... Is this really something the kiddos use or just a temporary thing while the suitcases were out and packing?

  2. did they really bring a whole suitcase full of balls from Zave's ball pit?!?!?! that is way too funny! I guess they wouldn't be very heavy and they probably didn't have to bring 'that' much stuff! I love it!

  3. Awesome! The second I saw the pic a huge smile was on my face. :)

  4. Yep! They actually brought a small blow up ball pit but we decided the kids would enjoy the suitcase just as much so why bother! ;o) It was cute. Lily wouldn't get in it till Uncle Mike helped her! Chicken.
