Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day from a Forgetful Mrs. Aiduk


If you saw my facebook status this morning you know I'm a complete dork and forgot to ask Jesse to be my Valentine!  But that's okay, cause I fixed it by surprising him at the schoolhouse with brunch from McDonald's.  Because if you want to be romantic in this family, you show up somewhere unexpected with a bag of McDonald's and two babies who should be at home napping :o)

But it's super nice and sunny here so we got to eat and sit outside together for an hour.  Not a bad way to spend part of V-day.  Plus he *thinks* he might be home "early" today... I'm not going to believe it till I see it, but the thought is nice!

Speaking of thoughts, I was thinking about it... four Valentine's Days ago was that big snow storm that changed our travel plans and made me fall in love with Jesse.  Well, I guess I would have fallen in love with him anyways ;o) but that was "the weekend".  We were supposed to fly down with Cass to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa Williams' 50th Anniversary but we couldn't... so we changed our plans and went to Mass for the weekend.

And that's the weekend that I knew I wanted my boyfriend to be my husband.

And the rest is history!

Happy Valentine's Day!  If you're reading this, I LOVE YA! ;o)

PS:  These pictures are from "our beach" where we got engaged on the Cape!  


  1. I'm so confused - - how did you get to McD's and then to the schoolhouse with both girls (who were supposed to be napping) if you didn't have the car because he left the house at 3:30 this morning!?!

    Please explain to my pea-brain! My valentine got blueberry cheesecake for dessert!

    LOVE YOU!!!

  2. I love those pictures! And I love hearing about your love story with Jesse :) I'm glad you guys could have lunch together! I hope Jesse was able to get home early tonight!

  3. Mom: I jogged, why do you ask? ;o) Okay, okay, I had the car because I was hoping to get into an earlier appointment with this lady... but she said no. So I went to see my man instead!

    Leah: He got home at 6! Which, unfortunately, is early for us! ;o) But we had a lovely leisurely dinner of steak fajitas with no babies because they both went to bed early after missing nap #1. Oh, and he brought home some merlot! ;o)
