Monday, February 21, 2011

Highlights from the Craziest Weekend Ever

Thursday:  Cori walked in the door and gave me a hug, though we'd never officially met.  And we were both wearing bright yellow shirts :o)  Got to eat lunch with the boys.  Joe met up with us and showed us where to see the squadron march back from the schoolhouse.  Jesse led cadence.  It was cool.  Definitely going to try to get it on video before we leave!

Friday:  Drill down in the fog.  Southern MS really knows how to do fog!  The 335th didn't win any part of drill, which was really disappointing for us all because our drill team is amazing.  But unfortunately, their risky program happened to mean they were at risk for more mistakes.  We definitely rocked team spirit, though... everyone was all decked out in masks and beads for Mardi Gras!  Adam and Bethanne watched the girls for us so we could go out for hibachi sans babies... sooooo nice!  Then we went with a bunch of people for karaoke night!

Saturday:  Jesse stayed home with the girls so I could go on a solo run/walk by the beach.  I'm going to miss that.  The jewelry party was at night and we had a lot of fun.  Jesse got to go to a cool beer fest at the Colosseum with some friends... they gave em little beer mugs and they got to sample different brews. 

Sunday:  Watched Landon and Nikolai.  If I ever start to think two baby girls is a tough job, I just need to ask a friend if I can watch their two kids as well... talk about work! ;o)  And can we talk about how different boys are than girls?  Wow!  They were great, though.  Things were a little hectic around dinnertime, but after that it was cake.  And Dills and Lay came over for burgers and a movie. 

Today:  Nothing so far.  I'm liking it that way! ;o) 

1 comment:

  1. you guys look great-
    the yellow shirt thing was funny :)
    glad you survived your weekend.
    and still jealous of all these lucky peeps (who are blessing you!) who get to watch the princesses!
