Thursday, February 24, 2011

Interview, Appointment, and Pizza

Interview:  Went well.  He felt good about it, only missed a couple questions, and is generally relieved, as evidenced by the fact he was passed out around eight.  We won't find out who got it until next week.  There's usually a "Commander's Call" on the first of the month and that's where they hand out the award.  He had a lot going for him and was the only Red Rope up for it this month... only time will tell! :o)  Regardless of whether he gets it or not, I'm so proud of him.  All the studying, planning, and prepping.  It'll be so cool if he gets it, but in my *professional* and completely unbiased opinion, he's the best Airman out there... hands down!

Appointment:  Was not today.  SLlksdfldsjklLKJFsldk.  I wasn't too happy about the fact that *somehow* I wrote down the 23rd instead of the 28th so we arranged for Jesse to get a ride in so I could have the car and then I wasted an hour of my life discovering that she wasn't even there!  And I have to go back Monday.  I learned that it's actually not just with this one lady, but a meeting before some sort of medical board.  They have a rule that they have to see you in person before they stamp the go-ahead.  Goody!  Oh well.  Jesse just laughed at me.  Grrrr ;o)

Pizza:  Taco.  Delicious.  I've never tried this version... it was inspired by the large amount of leftover ground beef I had in the freezer.  Whole wheat flax crust, pizza sauce, tomatoes, ground beef, cilantro, jalepenos (not on the one for LJ), and mozzarella cheese.  I topped it with a generous sprinkle of taco seasoning mix.  Served with sliced avocado and sour cream.  I might try cheddar cheese or pepper jack next time. But it's definitely a keeper!

Lily approves :o)


  1. Oh. My. Word. That pizza looks amazing! We have pizza (at Tasha's request) every Friday. If it were up to Tasha we would eat it every day, all day. Where did you find the recipe for the crust?

    Sorry you wrote down the wrong date. :( I did a 23/28 confusion just last month. I thought my WIC checks expired on the 28... definitely the 23. That made me sad. Esp. seeing the fruit and veggie ones go to waste.

    I'm glad the interview went well. Praying for you all!

  2. Crust is from the bread book. And LJ LOVES pizza!
