Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sister Share-Bear

This morning we're just chillin'

Chillin' as in we don't have to wear pants, it's so nice out!  I have the windows open and the fans going! 

 (And, uh, *I* am wearing pants... just to clarify!) 

 This girl sure does love her Sissy...

 I brought SJ into the safety of the kitchen so I could keep an eye on the sisterly love... things can get a little intense sometimes with all that Big Sis affection!

Apparently LJ really thought Sammy could use a friend in her chair ;o)
Also note: SJ is getting sleepy...


  1. Your "clarification" made me LOL..mostly because I seriously did think, "is she wearing pants?"

  2. Hehe that's so funny! Yeah, I didn't want to creep anyone out! ;o)

  3. Dear Samantha,
    I have a picture of Grampa holding your sister (and giving her ice cream) in that onesie last July(ish) when she was 8 months old! You can slow down a little now, you aren't yet 3 months old!
    Love you,
    Gramma R.

  4. cute! cute!! cute!!!
    love Lily's crumply little smile
    and Sam's complete oblivion to her seat mate

  5. I know, it's cute cause it *almost* looks like Sam's holding the dolly... but she was about 5 minutes from naptime and definitely spacing out!
