Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ditching the "Momiform"

, originally uploaded by JTouchco.
I'm trying to make a conscious effort to ditch the "Momiform".

Momiform? You know... sweats, messy ponytail, nursing tank, no makeup, etc...

Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with Jesse EVER complaining about how I look from day to day... cause he doesn't. Ever. This has everything to do with wanting to serve Jesse by looking less like a bum. Because there are some days he maybe *should* complain! ;o)

Two things have brought on this recent resolution: First, new clothes. Our taxes came back so we've done a little shopping. My wardrobe for the past two years has been maternity maternity maternity. So time for some new clothes! Yay! And I don't want the *only* time I wear these nice new clothes (and shoes!) to be at church on Sunday or when we go out on the weekends!

Second, a conversation at the jewelry party. Our "jeweler" brought up how her husband commented on how great she looked before she left. How she reminded him of "the girl I married". How she should dress like that more often. Basically, how he thought she was one hot momma! I was struck by how simply putting on a nice skirt and top and maybe some earrings or a scarf... and hey, maybe some cute shoes!... can really make a difference in how your man sees you.

Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for my sweats and nursing tank and ponytail. (Time: bedtime. Place: bed! Or maybe lazy Saturdays...) But basically, I wanna look hot for my man... and not just on date night!

And if that means taking a few extra minutes each day to toss my hair into a twist instead of a pony, grab a necklace and a squirt of perfume, apply some eyeliner and mascara, and slip on cute shoes, then so be it! So what if SJ pukes on me and I have to change?

It's worth it to feel pretty for Jesse. Doing dishes and changing diapers are so much more glamorous in high heels anyways! ;o)


  1. I've been thinking about this very thing lately. Sweatpants is a hard habit to break! I hope you have fun dressing cute!

  2. Me too! Alan never complains about how I look either...even when I ask him what he likes. Pretty much all I can get out of him is that he likes my hair long...guess I'll go out and get a trim and then hopefully score some cute new clothes!

  3. I just try to think of how much fun I have dressing nice when we go out (even if it's just over to a friend's) and how much more confident and pretty I feel... and that's how I want to look (and feel) when Jesse walks in the door at night! It's a rare day when I feel like a hottie in sweatpants, you know? ;o)

  4. Ouch, you got me with this one, girl! Thanks for the reminder... Time to dust off the makeup bag! (And the razor, while I'm at it, LOL.)

  5. he's a blessed man to have such a blessing for a wife
