Saturday, March 5, 2011

Housing Inspection, Step 1

So the housing inspector came Thursday afternoon.  Rumor had it that the "inspection" would be a joke... and for once, the rumor was correct!  The kind old gentleman just sat down on my couch and chatted with me about life, the girls, where we were going next, how did we like it here, how good of a housekeeper I was, what a lovely book collection we had, etc. 

Never got off the couch till he was getting ready to leave :o) 

He basically had me sign a paper saying we'd had our nice little talk and he'd answered any questions I had.  Gave me a list of cleaning services I could call if I wished.  And also a pamphlet with the complete list of everything we need to clean for the final inspection, which will be next Monday.  (And it is quite a hefty list, let me tell you what!)

Jury's still out on whether we're gonna shell out the cash to have someone else clean for us.  Downside: it's pretty pricey (in our opinion).  Upside: we won't have to borrow cleaning supplies (or babysitting services) from friends (cause our vacuum and cleaning supplies will be packed at that point) and we won't have to take up a whole day of our last weekend here cleaning.  

Jesse was actually the one that had me start looking into prices.  What a guy!  

Anyone else find it ironic that this is how much dirt the inspector dragged in? ;o)