Monday, March 14, 2011

Last Night in this HOUSE!!!

All that's left to do tonight is sort through two last piles of Jesse's computer stuff (which he's doing as we speak) and load up the car with as much of our suitcases and stuff that we can (so we don't confuse the movers tomorrow).  I reorganized our bags to leave us with one bag for the rest of this week (and two backpacks and one diaper bag) so that we can take less into the hotel(s). 

Ahhh, living out of suitcases.  There's nothing like it.  Blah.  I can't tell you how many times this weekend we've thought of things that we were looking for and then realized that we didn't pack them.  Rats! 

The movers come back in the morning to finish packing and then take it all away.  Bethanne's gonna come get Lily late morning so I only have to keep track of one baby (who is usually sleeping!) and then Jesse's coming home in the early afternoon to mow the lawn and take care of the outside stuff.  I'll be doing a final sweep through the house for trash and then Blessilda's coming to clean in the evening. 

At which point I will be relaxing in a hot bath in our hotel! ;o)  Yesssssss! 

If I was nostalgic, I would be sad that we were leaving this house... where we brought our second baby girl home from the hospital, our first military housing, etc.  Good thing I'm not nostalgic, though!  I'm excited to be moving on to the next leg of our adventure!


  1. Oh my gosh! I SO AM nostalgic!! I was thinking all of those things for you!!! Hahahaha!!!

  2. I'm like you, Jess. And I don't save anything. If it's something that looks like it *should* be saved, I take a picture of it. Bam. *Saved* forever and doesn't take up any space in my house. Just my computer.
