Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lodging Fiasco, Part Three


We found a hotel right down on Beach Blvd.  (Less than two miles off base.)  But it's expensive... we're hesitant that we may end up paying for it if things don't work out with reimbursement. 

But I'm getting weepy again and Jesse still has studying to do and we really need to get our babies to bed before someone has a nervous breakdown (*coughcrazymommacough*) so we trudge forward.

We get to the hotel and are pleasantly surprised that it's right on the beach!  Maybe this won't be so bad.

In we go.  Two babies, two pack-n-plays, three bags, one diaper bag, and a food cooler.  Oh, and a double jogging stroller.  (I went back later for the car seats so I could have them today)

We have a bit of explaining to do because we need to confirm that this hotel will do this whole switcheroo thing.  But come to find out the manager is Air Force Reserve and he totally understands that sometimes things get messed up with base lodging so he hooks us up with an amazing room(s) for cheap (less than HALF what it usually goes for) because he wants to make sure he doesn't charge us more than the AF will typically pay for!

When we walk into our room I nearly have a joyful heart attack...

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