Thursday, March 10, 2011

What a Gal

Bethanne came over yesterday to help out and hang out and she brought a goody basket for me!  Some of the items have special memories for the two of us (she's a gooooood gift picker!) and I don't have time this morning to explain them in depth... but my favorite is definitely the Biloxi 2010  Christmas tree ornament she got for me!  We were lamenting at Christmas how we couldn't find a simple Biloxi ornament and we wanted to have one from every place we live!  I had just given up on all my Christmas hopes and dreams...

...then look what she found for me!  Such a great bud!


  1. is that SAUCE from the SHED!?!?!?!?!?

  2. Wow. You have a really good eye! (Yes. It is.)

  3. I think you should bring about a gallon of it to NY with you!!!!
