Saturday, April 16, 2011

Germany, Day 2

Today we all woke up late.  It was splendid!  I almost grouched at Jess for opening up the blinds, but he interrupted my thoughts ("What in the heckity-heck are you doing waking me up this early?") to tell me it was almost 10am and we better get the girls up or we'd miss breakfast.  Now, breakfast ends at 10:30 and as I was curious to see what a breakfast at a German hotel was, we scurried off to check it out. 

DELICIOUS!  I had brie with grapes, rye bread, sausage (wurst of some sort I'm guessing), scrambled eggs, and the most lovely cup(s) of coffee I've had in awhile.  Jesse even agreed, and he's not much of a coffee drinker!  They also had some American fare... cereal and bagels and such.  All in all, I'm very pleased with the selections!  Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day so I'm glad we'll get to start it out deliciously... and free!

Then off to meet up with Quentin and Tiffany Oglevee and their 2yo daughter Mila (friends we hung out with a few times at Keesler... they've been here about a month).  They showed us all around and helped us get a bunch done: we got an adapter for our computer charger, a local checking account, a local pay-as-you-go cell phone, and some groceries.  We also dropped that bag off at the airport. 

Oh, and we also met up with a couple at the kid's play area: Sam and Brandi Strider.  They have a 15mo boy who's name I currently can't remember.  I got invited out to girl's night tomorrow (dinner at a Mexican place) but I don't know yet if I'm feeling up for it (or if the girls would be nice enough to Daddy ;o)  We'll see.) 

It was quite a long day of errands and visiting.

Apparently SJ wasn't too happy with our crazy day, as she screamed violently in the food court for 20 minutes then passed out and struck this pose.  Sorry.  I couldn't resist taking (and sharing) this pic ;o)  All in all they were both actually really good (AGAIN!) considering neither of them really got a good nap in all day.  We still put them to bed at the normal time (around 7) so we can all start getting used to the switch.  We'll see how tonight goes!

(Side note - all of our errands today were on base at Ramstein... it's the biggest base in the area and it's where we flew into.  We're only 5 minutes off base in our hotel.  The BX there is ginormous... the size of a decent mall.  Plus the Commissary!  I should be well supplied with anything "American" that I'm needing... whether it be my favorite brand of hair color or some Burger King!) 

Tomorrow we're heading to the O's for lunch and a load of laundry (we'd have to pay for it on base, so they said we could come to their place).  I'm excited to see where they live and what it's like! 

I'm also hoping to get out for an exploratory walk with the girls.  The hotel owner said this is a safe neighborhood to walk in.  And the sidewalks seem plenty wide for the double stroller! 

Okay, kept myself up long enough.  Maybe now I'll be able to sleep through the night?  Who knows!


  1. Both photos - great! (In my ignorant,don't know anything about photography, opinion, the one of LJ might be publishable :)

    Dad read about breakfast and started packing ~ well, not really, but I am pretty sure drool
    could be detected at the side of his mouth :)

    We are thanking God for those He has put in place to "spy out the land" for you guys...(and to any "spies" who happen to be reading - THANKS for helping! we sooo appreciate you!)

    hmmm- Mexican in Germany... keep us posted

  2. Jesse took the one of LJ... doesn't he have a great eye? We always compete to see who takes better pics ;o) I took the food ones!

  3. Oh, and I opted out of Mexican cause it would have made for waaaaay toooooo long a day for this tired Momma!
