Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thoughts on Photography

So we were talking about buying the Nikon D7000 to join the super-cool-DSLR camera club... but we're thinking of waiting a bit.  (*Probably* a good idea to see how an international move is going to impact the bank account...)

In the meantime, I met a friend of Bethany's who has some AMAZING pics on display in her room.  I was pretty surprised to learn that they were all taken with her point and shoot camera!  Her photography was so amazing, I expected her to start telling me all about her DSLR... I guess I have expensive cameras on the brain! ;o) 

But looking at her great shots (and prints) reminded me of a few things...

Good photography is more about composition than what type of camera you have.  You don't *need* a fancy-smancy-DSLR to take great photos!  I have a mighty nice camera (thanks generous hubs!) and I have taken some great shots... but I could get a jump start on growing in my mad-photography-skills by making sure I'm a) using my camera (settings and such) to it's full potential and b) being intentional about learning how to make great photos... framing, lighting, etc.

I've taken a photography class before, but I need to brush up on the basics.  PLUS there's a wealth of knowledge online that I could be using to learn more about this fun topic! 

Lauren (Bethany's friend) recommended Adorama for prints.  I haven't had much time to compare prices to some other sites, but based on the quality of her prints, I'm already sold!  I also love the idea of having more of my favorite pics on display.  I'm not much for scrap booking, but rotating the shots in my frames (on the wall) or doing something fun (Lauren has 8X10's hanging with mini clothespins from a string... so cute!) to show them off would motivate me. 

Here's what I checked out real quick this morning from Kodak:
Top Ten Tips
More Tips

All this being said... I still can't wait to adopt our third child... a.k.a. buy our Nikon ;o)


  1. Photoshop is another huge asset. Our favorite photographer ( uses it to enhance color along with having an amazing eye for composition. Check her out. You can make her your friend on facebook I think and see more of what she does. Also, not sure how much of an option this really is, she has great classes she gives throughout the year. I know it probably won't happen any time soon, but maybe you could plan a trip down there some time when you're back state side. Either way, check out her work.

  2. Oooh- That IS a nice camera! And I exactly understand what your talking about with the group of DSLR owners and how they rave about it. It seems hard to get away from. I do have a great camera though and DEF. can't buy a better one for the price I got it for (and CANNOT buy one that is a higher price :). It's a Nikon S6000 and has really nice HD video. Also, I was able to buy it at Walmart for a better price than other sites. However, when I see a new camera with like 21 mp and 15x optical zoom I get big eyed and then tell myself to be thankful for what I have. :) I agree with you about learning to actually "use" your camera. A lot of people probably think their cameras aren't good just because they don't use the right settings. Practicing on a subject you can depend on such as a still life thing other then an active child is a good start. :) (As you can probably see I can go ON and ON about cameras:) What type of camera do you have? -Maryah

  3. Also-good sites and information, thanks! -Maryah
