Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Half Birthday to Sammy-Girl

Beefcake is 6 months today!  She's such a little chunky-monkey-bundle-of-joy.  She's still a chatty-cathy and can now proficiently scooch to anything she wants to get to on the floor.  She can even sit a little with some help!  I call her Catwoman sometimes because she likes to grab my face with gusto... meaning I have to stay on top of keeping those sharp little nails trimmed!  She's chowing on solids like a pro... and she LOVES her big sis and her Daddy :o)  Whenever they come within her sight she just lights up and wiggles and giggles! 

A few weeks ago I came into her room in the morning to find her like this:

Apparently these jammies aren't quite Houdini-proof! ;o)

And here are some more shots from that super smiley day outside while I hung laundry :o) 

Look at those toes!  Remember when LJ had to stand on two textbooks to reach the floor?  (In her defense, I think she was about a month and a half younger than Sam is in the pic... and she's a shrimp anyways.)

More piggies!

I'm so blessed to get to hang out on the floor with this Doll-baby all day! 

1 comment:

  1. I love this super-smiley, chatty-cathy, sweetie-pie, houdini! I'm oh-so-jealous that you get to hang out with both of them all day halfway across the world!
