Sunday, August 14, 2011

Balance Decision... For Now

We're taking a short break from our busy, but fun schedule.  From now till later this week, Lily will be in undies all day (except nap and night) and Sam will get all three of her naps.   I'm going to focus on them and on getting a few of those "around the house" projects done.  We're just going to keep it local so I don't have to worry about diaper confusion... Lily can handle undies for a quick trip to the Wasgau (local German grocery store) so I don't even have to go to base to grocery shop. 

The name of the game this week is keep it simple, relax with the girls, re-potty-train a little bit, and get caught up on "stuff". 

After that, I'm pretty sure I'm going to join MOPS.  But I'm going to wait on RESA.


  1. Great plan! I keep thinking about how I need to do this but with Kyle gone even three days at homes seems like an eternity :( In a perfect world I would wake up with the boys, we eat breakfast together, then we do 1 hour of reading, 1 hour of crafts, 1 hour at the park, lunch, naps, 1 hour of free play, dinner, bath, story time, bed. But living over here and trying to keep busy makes it SO hard. One day.... Anyways, have a great and relaxing week! :D

  2. that sounds pretty busy momma!

  3. Sometimes you just have to slow down a bit and smell the roses! (or the clean undies as the case may be) . . . you will have plenty of time when they're bigger to have many more adventures! This season is only here for a (short) season!

  4. ahh such wisdome words from momma 1.
    hi linder!
