Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How To Cook Like a German

Jen and I finally hit up one of the USO's German cooking classes.  They do a few a month and I'm drooling over the different baking classes (especially pretzels!) but I wanted to try this one first... we did a whole meal. 

And by we I mean Karin (with the crazy hair!) and her side-kicks (Catherine in the blue was the translator and Rafaela was Karin's assistant.)  We (meaning Jen and I and the rest of us) just got to sit back and drool.  I mean watch ;o)

Meat skewers.  Jen described them well - as meatloaf wrapped in bacon (then baked in the oven). 

Speaking of Jen, here she is trying to choke down a piece of smoked bacon... that was raw.  They served us the leftovers from making the skewers as a little snack.  The Germans ain't scared of no e.coli... or whatever it is we're scared about with raw pork!  (I ate some, too, since I'm trying to "be like a German" and all)

This just made me chuckle.  And made me miss Bethanne and our matching-shoes.

Okay back to the food :o)  They served the skewers with this yummy Fiery Chili Dip.  It was SO GOOD and I'm going to make it for Laura and her family when they come over on Monday.  *Fingers crossed* that it turns out as good as Karin's!

Farmer's Potatoes with a really delicious herbed avocado dip called Canary Islands Sauce. 

Grilled Marinated Pork Steaks.  Marinated for 24 hours (or more!) and so so so so SO SO SO SO good.  I really didn't know pork could be that flavorful and juicy!  Now I do.  And now I'm going to give this a try.  For a long time now I've realized we're stuck in the rut as a "beef/chicken/salmon only" family.  That's about to change, friends!

And Karin was selling her homemade jams, so I bought two.  I opened the mirabellen jam today and it was fantastic, as expected.  I think I might try to make some next year from "our" tree :o) 

All in all, a raving success!  I got to see a real live German cook real live German food and it was amazingly delicious!  And I got to hang out with Jen.  And my girls got to hang out with Laura and her boys (thanks again Laura!).  And THEN after the class Jen and I had coffee with Laura.

All this reminded me once again of how thankful I am for this opportunity that God (and the Air Force) has given us.  Living in and experiencing the culture of a new country.  Making wonderful wonderful friends.  Eating amazing food.

Such a great day!


  1. I am such a pork fan....and this recipe was great. I think I am going to thaw my chops over night and start the marinating process tomorrow!

  2. So drooling! And so missing you!

  3. Raw pork? Bleh. I'll gladly be American on that one. :P Glad you had a great time!!!
