Thursday, August 18, 2011

When in Rome: Grocery Shop Like a German

I did my shopping like a German this week... even down to the walk to the store!  I went twice and only bought what I needed for a few days (given that I was carrying it in my backpack home (some in the stroller).

It only takes me 15 minutes to get to Wasgau, but the hike home is more of a... hike ;o)  I don't mind, though.  It's good exercise to go uphill and then I usually get a break because at that point it's time for the girls to be down for their nap.

Interesting things to note:  the eggs are not refrigerated in the store.  They also come in packs of ten, not twelve.  The butter comes in blocks, not sticks.  Everything is in very small portions (remember that they like to shop often and keep things fresh) so the amount of sour cream in there is a joke (in my sour-cream-loving opinion!).

Not pictured: the "mystery meat" I bought today ;o)  They lovely ladies at the meat counter didn't speak English, so I picked some random sausage and some slices of what I hope is bacon.  We ate the sausage tonight with my green tomato relish and rice... very tasty!  All four of us liked it.  I'll try the "bacon" for one of our breakfasts this weekend... hopefully it is what I think it is! ;o)  I was told by a German that there are no nasty nitrates in the bacon and such!

All in all, I must say it's really fun going shopping on the economy and pretending I'm German!  Unfortunately, as soon as I open my mouth, they're on to me... since my first question is usually "Excuse me, do you speak English?" ;o)

They're always really nice about it, though.

And it makes me very motivated to keep at my Rosetta Stone. 


  1. we (dad, tan and i) sat looking at the groceries trying to figure out what each was! sounds like the hill back is a challenge and am glad you time it so it's quiet momma time when you accomplish it.
    i keep thinking i should be riding a bike to work at target and then talk myself out of doing so because i mostly work closing and don't want to ride home at 11 in the wouldn't be safe (that's what i tell myself rather than that I'd prob collapse before i got to the main road!)
    anyway, hope your day is great.

  2. Why would you shop like a German if you're in Rome? JUST KIDDING! Europeans have it right! Make frequent ambulatory trips to the grocery store to ensure thin people with healthy and delicious foods!
