Sunday, September 4, 2011

How To Feel Like a Celebrity

Jesse and I have discovered it.  The key to instant fame.

Wear your babies on your back at a German wine festival.

Seriously... it was like we were famous :o)  We couldn't walk more than five steps without being stopped and ooo-ed and awww-ed over.  This festival seemed particularly popular with the older crowd, who seemed particularly in love with babies.

Having two babies under the age of two probably draws attention no matter where you are, but we stuck out even more at Bernkastle-Kues because it seemed like we were the only ones in the crowd who thought wine festivals are baby-friendly ;o)  (We still do, by the way!)

With  no other babies in sight, Jesse said he felt like we were the main attractions in a petting zoo! 

Sam was so funny about it because she just loves people so she would smile and wiggle her feet at everyone and then when she realized someone was looking at her she would let out this squeal of delight, melting the hearts of everyone within five miles.

I was pretty proud of myself because I'm starting to pick up more German words when people are talking to us.  Except when they're speaking French.  Yeah... it took me a few minutes to realize why I was so confused by this one couple :o)  The Mosel river isn't far from the French border.

Beautiful Bernkastle-Kues.  Such a cute little town.  Such a pretty little castle.  Such a fun, friendly festival.  A local told Jesse that this wine festival is one of the best in the area.  (It took us about an hour and a half to get there.)  I tried a few local white wines.  We listened to some local bands playing American music.

It was especially cool to hear them sing New York State of Mind... got me even more excited about our upcoming trip to PA, NY, and MA! 

We also got to enjoy that classic Oom-Pah Band music. 

And though there was lots of great German grilled meat around, we opted for a nicer, sit-down meal at a cute little pizzeria.  Mostly because I wanted a highchair for squirmy-wormy-Sam.  And some food that is a little easier for little gums to chew :o)  Not that Lily and Sam can't handle a brat and brötchen (hard roll) like the rest of them, but still. 

Here's the link to the town's photo gallery.

It was a really fun night.  One of those times that we almost didn't go but we decided we can't waste our time in Europe being too home-body-ish.  And we're so glad we went!


  1. what phenom photos!
    and the only reason the fam was the "petting zoo" is because they were the cutest fam there!! (no bias here ;)
    it looks like the drive was worth it and a good time was had by all. so glad you're taking advantage of all that's going on around you...

  2. Jessica I am so so jealous. This looks amazing! Your blog looks terrific and the pics on this post were just phenom.! The fest looks like it was a blast.

  3. Thanks Jen! I like the changes. Did you notice the header picture is Landsthul? I found it on flickr and Jesse made it the right size for me :o) Yay for cobblestone and Europe!

  4. " seemed like we were the only ones in the crowd who thought wine festivals are baby-friendly ;o) (We still do, by the way!)" I love you. Only you and Jesse would bring babies to a wine fest. haha Oh, wait, Derrick would, too. ;)

  5. LOL it's not like we gave them reisling in their sippy cups! ;o)
