Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Peace Out Summer" Party


I don't really know!  It just kind of came to me... "Hey, I want to host a girl-party... I should do a fun theme!"  We hoped and prayed for a house like this - a "party house" with a big, open main floor plan.  And now that we have it (Thanks, God!) I don't want to waste it!

And themed parties are dorky, but that's what makes them so fun!

So hippie was the name of the game.  "Peace" hippies, not to be confused with crunchy hippies ;o)  I told the girls that we'd vote on the best-dressed-hippie... and my friend Paula got a prize of a yankee candle and a cute little framed wall-art piece I found at the BX.


Kept it simple with home-painted window decals.  (Acrylic paint + clear contact paper = magic!)  I actually ordered some hippie balloons on Amazon but alas, sometimes the joy of the APO is that things don't get to you when you hope they will.  They'll probably be there next time I head to the post office :o)

But the window art turned out just as perfect as I'd hoped.  Especially in the early evening, when the sun was shining through the windows!


Pineapple kiwi fruit salad from America's Test Kitchen... one of my favorites.  Though not as pretty as usual because I accidentally bought yellow kiwi.  The green of the kiwi and yellow of the pineapple are really fun looking.  Very summery.

Grilled pizza.  Possibly the last of the season... cheesy-basil and pesto-feta.  The pesto pizza is my all time fave from my all time fave pizza shop, Atlas, in good old Corning NY.  Pesto, sun-dried tomatoes, black olives, mushrooms, and feta.  To. Die. For.

Cookies.  Also America's Test Kitchen (holiday cookie recipe from the baking cookbook).  They give great instructions on decorating with your very own colored glazes and sugars.  It was too much fun.  As in, I may have a new hobby... one that may or may not be really bad news for my mid-section ;o)


From top to bottom and left to right:  Paula, Val, Carol, Brandy, Tiffany, Laura, Jen, Yours Truly, and Amber.

It was a fantastic assortment of gals from the squadron and gals from... not the squadron ;o)  And one Mother-in-Law (Brandi's MIL Carol is visiting for three weeks) who was super sweet and blended right in!

Final Words?

I feel really blessed that God has given me such great friends.  So many in such a short time!  And not everyone I'm blessed to consider a friend is represented in the picture.  PCSing here wasn't easy and I was a bit nervous about how to go about meeting and making great friends. 

I shouldn't have worried :o) 

A big thank you to Jen.  She came early, helped me put up all the decals on the windows, cut up the fruit salad while I put the girls to bed, and took pictures on my camera so I could do all the other things a hostess has to do.  Love you girl.

And an even BIGGER thank you to My Love.  Who was totally cool with the time and money I put into this goofy little girly party.  And who didn't mind being kicked out of the house.  I love you Babe.

 "Peace Out!"


  1. Tell Jesse "Thank you!" from me, as well! I know it isn't cheap to accommodate a house full of people but it's things like that, and people like you, that have made this deployment go so smooth for me.. and I will cherish these memories forever. Thank you :)

  2. looks like everyone entered into the 'spirit' of the occassion and had a blast!

    (just want to say this mil is jealous of that mil ;)

  3. Amber, you are so so welcome. I'll tell him :o)

    MIL, I was thinking the same thing... "I wish my MIL could be here for three weeks!" (Maybe a post-grad getaway after the school year is over?) Love you.

  4. You are so right in thanking God for the friends you have made so quickly. I was blessed just to meet and be around them. AND YOU of course! I definitely feel that our meeting was predestined and that the Lord has fulfilled a lot of purpose in it. You are so welcome for the help on Friday and I want to say thank you again for all of your time, effort, and smiles while doing it!
