Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ten Things I'm Gonna Do in the States in October

I know that home is where your family is.  So my home is dear, sweet Otterberg... where my dear, sweet Jesse, Lily, and Sam live.  But there's still the home(s) we used to know and love.  

Corning, NY and Wareham, MA.  Home of the Rawleighs and Aiduks... our favorite people.  And I couldn't forget West Chester, PA, home of the Logues.  I'm really looking forward to being back in those homes again.  The sound of Lily and Zave and Sam laughing and playing together.  The cozy feeling in the Rawleigh living room.  The smell of coffee and the beautiful Cape Cod sunshine pouring in the Aiduk kitchen.  

Here's my Top Ten List for our visit home:

1. Hug my family
2. Kiss my family
3. Drink coffee with my family
4. Show my family all the fun new things the girls have learned since April
5. Talk with my family till late into the night
6. Convince various family members to get up early with Sam so I can sleep in
7. Convince various family members to babysit so I can go to a coffee shop to read... or meet up with an old friend (or two or three!)  
8. Eat yummy comfort food with my family
9. Enjoy the fall colors with my family
10. Soak up every moment of precious time with my family

I'm also going to hit up both Soul Full Cup and Heavenly Cup for a real caramel latte :o)  And Wegmans... there's no grocery store like Wegmans!  And Atlas for some real pizza!  

And I'm just going to walk down Market Street.  Maybe a bunch of times :o)

And I'm going to take Sam to Onset beach for the first time... hopefully there won't be snow on the ground just yet, but we'll definitely just be playing in the sand, not swimming! 

It's a good thing I have lots of fun things to look forward to and keep me busy from now till then!  I'm hosting a girls-only party on Friday that I'm calling our "Peace Out Summer" Party... best dressed hippie gets a prize! ;o)  And then we're going with a bunch of friends from work to Oktoberfest the following weekend!  And then Mark should be coming to visit at the end of September, right before the girls and I leave!  

Dear Mom, Dad, Brother, Bethany, Stephanie, Toni, Mark, Tanya, Cassie, Mike, and Zave,
We love you and can't wait to see you!
Jessica, Lily, and Sam


  1. I thought PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE would be on your Soul Full Cup list - - it's that time of year!!!

  2. ps- I don't recognize the business(es) in that picture of Market St. Must be an OLD photo!

  3. Ooooooh yes I forgot! YesyesyesyesYES! And I don't recognize the businesses either, now that you mention it... but it says it was taken in 2009 so we must just be goobers.

  4. I love that you mentioned drinking coffee with family. I don't enjoy the coffee not nearly as much as I enjoy the company but my sister said the same thing about going home this weekend for Labor Day. She couldn't wait to get on the back porch with my mom and have a coffee. It's the little things... :)

  5. well, looking again at the 'bigger' picture, I think it's from the 'far' end of Market Street - down by the Radisson - and on the left side of the street is Aniello's?!?!?!

  6. Jen, coffee is a very big part of my family. Both sides :o) My Dad pretty much put it in our bottles. And I love sitting in Jesse's family's kitchen over a cuppa with his Mom. There's something about connecting over a cup that I love, because then when I'm home again (here) and enjoying my morning cup, just the smell reminds me of home (there). Ahhh.

  7. absolutely BEST top ten list i've seen!!

  8. I love reading your writing! It's always entertaining and informative. I believe that is one of my favorite entries to date! ;) Can't wait!! -Cassie

  9. Aw thanks Cass! That was probably the most meaningful comment I've received to date ;o)
