Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Top 10, Past 48 Hours

1.   My busy-with-college sister surprised me by being here when I got to the house.  I told her I now demand she surprise me every time I come home.

2.  Hanging out with family in the hot tub out back.  I had completely forgotten that my parents got a hot tub installed in the time since I've been here.  It's LOVELY!

3.  Pumpkin spice latte at Heavenly Cup with Dad. 

4.  Shopping at the mall with Dad... sans kids (thanks to Mom!) for the first time since I had those dang, I mean darling kids ;o)

5.  Wegman's with Mom.  There is no grocery store like Wegman's people.  If you don't live up north you just don't understand.

6.  Sitting by the woodstove.  We're about to get another batch of sunny, warm weather.  But it wasn't too warm for a couple cozy ones the past two nights.

7.  Two phone calls from a handsome husband halfway around the world :o)

8.  Extra snuggles from my sick-but-on-the-mend girls.

9.  Playdate with Nicole and her kids.

10.  Baking pumpkin muffins without a kid whining at my ankles.

I know, most of the pictures have nothing to do with the list.  It happens ;o)  Here's some more if you want 'em.

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