Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rochester Sister-Date

Lily, Sam, Stephanie and I went to Rochester, NY to visit Bethany on Wednesday.  She lives in a darling dorm room in Davison Hall at Roberts Wesleyan College, where she is an RA.  She also has a fantastic hammock in her room and some pretty trees just outside.

Whenever I visit Bethany in Rochester, we try to do something cool.  She recently told me we are working our way through the "top ten things to do in Rochester" list...

We've already hit the Mount Hope Cemetery, where Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony rest.  And we're also checked out the Strong Museum of Play (which we need to do again soon cause Lily was just a baby at the time.)  We've been to the George Eastman house, too.  Georgie is a pretty fascinating guy, especially if you like cameras.  I never know all that cool Kodak history!

This time we hit up the Dinosaur BBQ for dinner.  I didn't really get any good pics of the actual restaurant, but here's the amazing windmill out front!

The food was delicious!  Actually, it was the closest thing to The Shed I've had since... The Shed!  I definitely miss that place, and it was fun to eat somewhere that reminded me of it!

As always, it was another great Rochester sister-date :o)


  1. Bethany I LOVE your sweatshirt!! *inside joke-y smile*

  2. Alright, no inside jokes on my blog ;o) (Note to self, make Bethany tell me what's so funny about her sweatshirt!)
