Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent Calendar... Means We're Getting Closer!

Lily-Bear and I had a nice Mommy-daughter-craft/color-time the other day.  When Samma-lamma is down for her morning nap I've been trying to be better about doing something fun with Lily.  And I also wanted to get my advent calendar finished! 

With the balsam and cedar candle going and Relient K's Christmas album playing, I was feeling in quite the happy, Christmas-y mood :o)

Here's the finished product!  I used this post as my inspiration.  I made the envelopes myself which I was pretty proud of.  And I just printed an assortment of Christmas pictures from the past few years.  Most of them are from last year, which really made me miss Mississippi and all our tech school friends!

It would look nicer on the red wall in the living room but I didn't want to take down my drawing that I have there.  So this is fun because it fills an empty space... even if it has to be on the ugly olive walls ;o) 

Getting it up on the wall was super fun for me... makes me think of my Mom and the advent calendar she uses.  I love the childhood memory of excitedly counting down till the glorious day!  It's something I definitely wanted to continue with the girls.

For our calendar, I put a note card in each envelope with a "Christmas activity" of some sort on it.  Things like "make red and green playdough", "watch Rudolf", "eat Christmas cookies for breakfast", and "unwrap one gift" on Christmas Eve.  I'm pretty excited to start this tradition because as the girls get older the activities will get more fun for them... for now, most of them are things that I will be doing on my own during their nap (like baking and decorating cookies for our neighbors).  That's okay though, I love having fun Christmas-y things to do!

Speaking of fun Christmas activities... the plan is for tomorrow to be "Tree Day".  We aren't going to bother hunting for a place to cut it down fresh (my New Yorker preference) but we'll hopefully be able to snag a nice, fresh, not too expensive one on base tomorrow.  I can't wait! 

Is it Christmas, yet?


  1. wow - all those pictures reminded me of all the fun we had last year at Christmas - and how nice the weather was in Mississippi - and how 'sober' Lily-bear is much of the time - and how much I miss you guys and love you bunches! sniff, I'll be okay!

  2. it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
    what fun and what memories- from ugly sweater party to buying a tree in nosnowwarmweather! and of course all the Lil pics!
    Tan and Cass made count down to Christmas chains wih Zave the other night and then Tan carried all the Christmas deco boxes downstairs. it was funny how just having the boxes in the room made it feel like Christmas! and then they surprised us by decorating (we haven't decorated in years....)and Tan hanged lights all over the outside of the house - we look like we're ready to celebrate!
    sounds like you have a full month of celebrating ahead- enjoy!
    i'm picturing what opening presents there this year will be like - Lil is a good present opener now and as she works the wrapping off, Sam will be there to relieve her of whatever gift happens to be revealed!! oooohh! squeals and giggles and 'nononononos'!!! x0x0x0x0x0x0xx0

  3. Mom: sometimes I look at her and wonder if she's going to scowl at me for the rest of her life.

    MIL: I'm so so glad that Tan hung lights for you! (Good job Tanya!) And I agree.. I can't wait till Christmas if just for the fun of watching what the girls will do! Today while decorating (SJ was still asleep) Lily ran the little balls back and forth from J to me so I could hang them on the tree after he put the hook on. So cute!
