Thursday, November 3, 2011

Birthday Wishes (and Blocks) from Oma

Lilo is such a sweetie.  Seriously... the best little old German "Oma" you could ask for.  She has been trying to get Lily to call her Oma for months.  By which I am going to assume she wants to be our adopted German Gram.  I'm cool with that :o)

Don't you love this picture?  Jesse has mad skill!  We were trying desperately hard to get Lily to give Lilo a kiss to thank her for the birthday present... but Lily wasn't having it.  Well, anyways, I almost like this picture better than a kissy one... cause it shows Lily's devious grin!  She is so stubborn!  (I'm SURE she doesn't get THAT from EITHER parent!)

Lilo brought Lily a present of these German cookies that are kind of like an orange sponge cake in chocolate (not bad!) and a bin of blocks!  We already have blocks, but these are great.  They're all different shapes and sizes and colors... seems like you can build little houses and stuff with them.  It was extra sweet when she kept informing us that she'd "cleaned them" because they had been in her storage closet from her grandchildren.  It's so cute... she really does think of us as more than neighbors/tenants.

Also, Jesse and I have no clue how she remembered Lily's special day.  Neither of us remember telling her... so whenever we did she must have hustled right home to write it down!

Okay confession time.  I hope you're enjoying my public blog confessions ;o)  This one is great... cause it goes out to my Moms.

Dear Mom and Toni.  Remember last birthday when I emailed you that Lily could use a block set?  WELL.  I made the mistake of sending you both the SAME list of gift ideas.  AND.  You can guess the rest of the story ;o)

Lily now has a set of wonderful blocks from both Grandmas AND her Oma!

My favorite part about this block story?  That each set is completely different.  Just like each of you.  I love you both... and Lilo, though she doesn't read my blog ;o)

Lily has the best two Grandmas in the world!  Plus a doting Oma!  (And she has the block set(s) the prove it!)


  1. I love you and I'm sorta glad and sorta jealous that Lilo gets to be their doting Oma! But I really do like that picture with Lily bear being flirty . . . she's so funny! (and by funny I do mean stubborn!)

  2. Well don't be too jealous, she doesn't come to visit that often. And probably even less with winter coming. Love you miss you!

  3. that is a great picture and it does capture Lil's mischievous side! It was great of Lilo to remember (especially since no one remembers telling her =o) about Lil's b'day. and i guess it just shows to go you- one can never have too many blocks! how kind of Lilo to bestow blocks which were her grandchildrens! it would take me caring alot about an unrelated child/fam for me to part with something that belonged to my grandchildren!! xxxxoooo

  4. I know! That's why I thought it was so sweet for her to give them away so freely! Her youngest grandchildren are 7 and 9 so it's not like it's even been long since they stopped playing with them.

  5. I love this picture!! And I love this post ;). And Lily looks soooo much older and wiser than two here!! ... And I bet Lilo is on facebook! -Cassie
