Friday, December 16, 2011

Have We Really Been Here Eight Months Already?

Dinner Party at Paula and Brandon's last night!  Isn't their tree beautiful?  She made us yummy soup and I brought homemade bread.  We had delicious cookies, apple crisp, and German chocolate cake!  We played a really fun game called What's Yours Like.  And we laughed a lot :o)

I also met a new friend... a gal who's only been in Germany for two weeks!  They just got married on November 11th!  It was crazy for me to talk to her and get all these flashbacks to our first few weeks in Germany... all the newness. 

And then it hit me: We've been here for almost a year!  Which is really funny for me because I realize that I'm going to have to dig a little deeper than I thought to remember all the helpful tips I would like to pass on to a newcomer!  (I guess I could just go back through my blog, huh?)  It's crazy how fast time goes by and how quickly a new country becomes home.  It kind of happened without me even realizing it! 

Paula's littlest dinner guests enjoyed watching old Christmas cartoons, bumming cookies off the adults, and playing with the kitty under the tree :o)  It's been a really lovely Christmas season... I'm so excited that we're almost to the big day! 

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