Thursday, January 26, 2012

Being Patient

I'm itching for Spring. 

I'm determined not to complain (too) much in this blog post ;o)

Jesse and the girls are sick again.  And Jesse only has one day off this week... so he's not getting much rest.  I feel like I've hardly see him, too, because I've been busy during the day(s) earlier this week.  And then he's gone at night.

Winter nights are lonely... especially after long days running errands... or long days mopping up snotty noses.  Lily's whining makes my skin crawl.  And it gets even worse when she's sick.  And then I finally put them to bed and... I'm alone.

I know.  I have plenty to do.  Too much to do, actually.  But as I was complaining to my sister the other night, I'm realizing more and more that I'm not a night owl!  I'm a morning person... and even when I don't get up early, I'm much more productive in the mornings.  Once the girls are in bed all I want to do is unwind and do relaxing, mind-numbing things.  Not focus on a book or draw or exercise (though I did work out twice this week!) or chores or... you get the idea. 

I also know that I just have to come to terms with Jesse's schedule.  It's going to be like this (ever-changing and always weird and hard to adjust to) for the entire time we're here.  I'm not the first military wife to be lonely on a cold winter night.  (Let's not even talk about the deployment(s) that I know will come one day.)

And I also know that I can get together with friends, skype with my family, and just push through this funk on not wanting to do anything at night.  For the next month and a half, night is my time to get stuff done.  So, by golly, I must get stuff done! 

Spring will come... with it's bright sunshine and long walks and gloriously long days.  But since it's not here yet, I must embrace the days as God gives them... in their seasons.  


  1. Ill be there soon and I'll come help with your evenings so we can get stuff done and then have lots of relaxing time!

    1. I almost put how much I was looking forward to your arrival in this post... but I didn't want to make you more sad about leaving. I CAN'T WAIT! Though, I seriously doubt we'll be *that* productive ;o) We do have a lot of catching up to do after all!

  2. love you, girl! sending a giant hug across the ocean to you! and you do know that winter funk isn't uncommon, and you don't have to get *everything* done all at once . . . it's okay to chill out and drink tea and watch Hairspray!!! :o)

    1. Thanks Mom! You'll be happy to know I took your advice last night and popped some popcorn, put my feet up, and enjoyed a movie all by myself! XOXO

  3. Aw keep it up Jess! You'll make it! <3

    1. Thanks girl. I'm trying to remember that everyone deals with sickness in the winter... and that most AF wives deal with swinging schedules... I can do it! :o)
