Monday, January 23, 2012

Free Bowling? Count Us In!

Our squadron put together a free bowling event up at Sembach, where Jesse works.  We had two whole hours up there all to ourselves!  And apparently it's really cheap and almost always half-empty.  Hm... family date day coming up?  I think so!  It was really nice... first time I've been bowling in forever.

Except I didn't really bowl... but this kid did!  Kind of ;o)  They didn't have any shoes small enough for her.  Which is such a shame cause bowling shoes are so cool!

See?  Aren't mine cool?   I think they look especially hot with the white socks.  Just sayin.  Sammy had a fun time crawling around on the dirty floor and hanging out in various people's arms for some snuggles.  She even got cozy with the Commander's wife.  What a suck-up ;o)

I was a little nervous to go without Jesse (who had to work) but it turned out great!  Just another one of those times that I'm thankful for my new military family...

 ...they're really great for holding your kid so you can take pictures, providing a fun and free outing for your family, sharing their french fries with your "starving" 2yo (who had just ate a huge lunch but was being a pesky beggar anyways), and holding your kid some more so you can take your other kid to the potty. 

Thank you 21st OWS... especially to our Key Spouses and others who worked to put it together. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you get to keep those awesome shoes??? I want some! :)
