Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Surprising Couch

Look look look!  Our new couch!  Ain't she purty?  We've been wanting a new couch ever since we moved here.  We are so thankful that we got the freebie furniture from the Airman's Attic at Keesler... but they were getting a well-loved look to them.  And so we started looking on Ramstein Yard Sales (aka the KMC's Craig's List) for a nice but cheap couch. 

They're hard to come by!  Not to mention the fact that we (and by we I mean mostly him) are slow to make decisions.  So making a split second decision about a used piece of furniture is tough... meaning we usually miss out on deals because we wait too long to decide.  But that saves us a lot of money in the end.  So I'm not complaining.

Well it just so happened that a few days ago I checked out RYS while J was home... meaning when I saw the fresh post containing this beauty, we were both able to discuss and decide right away!  We find sectionals appealing (works well in this living room).  And we find cheap appealing (we thought this particular couch was a great deal... even with having to rent a small moving van to go get it).

It's from Ikea and has only been used a year and a half.  The guy who sold it to us seemed legit... he takes care of his things.  He was in fact trying to convince Jesse to buy the plastic cover for it to protect it from our children.  Yeah right, buddy.  Who wants to sit on plastic?  Anyways this baby has a few surprises up her sleeve...'s a bed!  Yay for a comfy place for guests!  Or for us... because Jesse and I are recently convicted that the hosts should sleep on the less comfy bed... or at least that's what all the people who host us do so we want to return the courtesy.  I digress.  This is a very exciting feature because now we have our cali king bed, a decent air mattress, a single bed, AND a pull out couch!  Yay!  PS did I mention I'm really excited that our various members of our families will be visiting this year? 

Okay next surprise... you ready?


Do you think storing our games in there will make us remember to play them more often? ;o) 

The girls approve.

So praise God for new furniture that didn't cost an arm and a leg and that pretty much fits everything we wanted (and then some!) 


  1. EXCELLENT couch - - I like it ALOT! I'm really glad it didn't cost an arm and a leg - and that it's so flexible - - so cool! One small confusion: the piece(s) that make it into a bed seem like they are "extra" - - are they seating space (without a back) when they are taken apart and not used for a bed?

    ps - also loving how long and curly Lily's hair is getting - and Sam's super-cute outfit!

  2. That's awesome! It's just like our couch!

  3. Yeah Mom sorry, I should have taken a pic of how the "bed" part kind of folds in on itself and then slides under the main part of the couch. It's magical. But I thought the same thing as you when I first saw the pics on RYS... I was like "where you do store that part?" :o) And I don't even really notice how long LJ's hair is getting till I see it in some pictures. These ones for sure! But she'd just had a bath so the curls are all combed to the bottom.

  4. What a great find!!! I LOVE the extra storage compartment! Your new couch makes me think of the one from the Airman's Attic. :) I went back and read the post on it...since you linked it and all. I was not an avid blog reader of yours at that point in our friendship. But reading it now had me rolling in laughter. That was fun! And I'm still your friend even after it. :) I miss you!

  5. what a great find! looks like you'll really get a lot of use out of it, and enjoy the using.

    microfiber is amazingly easy to clean, did you know that? I had a kid draw in ink on my MF couch and i covered it with a sheet for about 3 months b/c I was so peeved. When I took the sheet off, it washed off with diluted borax. crazy.

  6. Aw Bethanne I'm glad you read it! I re-read it, too and it brought such a smile to my face. You guys are the best for making that happen!

    Emily thanks for sharing that tip! Cause we are a little nervous about the girls (or one of us) staining it. Glad they clean easy!
