Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Let It Begin

We're actually starting this whole gardening process before the summer is half over (like last year) and I'm really excited about how big we're going to go with it!  (Don't remind me of how much work a big garden takes, okay?  Just smile and nod at my enthusiasm!) 

We got all these seeds at the big German garden store in Ktown.  It actually had a familiar Home Depot feel to it.  And we found an associate who could help us determine which of the five options of carrots we wanted (still not sure if that's going to work out haha) and as an added bonus, Lily told us she had to go to the potty instead of peeing her pants.  What a victorious trip!

We did have to make a quick stop at the BX on Ramstein for cheaper dirt and a simple small potter-planter-thingy.  Our other one(s) are on their way but won't be here for another week or so and we wanted to get the tomatoes and peppers going. 

So Jesse did all the back-breaking work of getting the garden started while I sketched up a quick idea of where we wanted to plant stuff.  We had just spent 30 minutes standing in our sunny but cold and slightly soggy side yard haggling over locations.  I'm sure we'll change our minds in a few days anyways.  But it was still fun to be out "planning" together.

Oh, and I also took many pictures while he worked.  And rolled his eyes at me.  "Babe it's for the BLOG" I said.  He has no sense of commitment to documenting our every move ;o)

Ta-da!  Our GARDEN!  Grow, babies, grow!  We have big plans for our tomato plants this year.  As in, to give them a fighting chance at life.  Mr. Upstairs Neighbor has our back this year because he told Lilo to tell us that we need a "house" for our tomatoes to protect them from all the rain.  He told her this is why we didn't get many crops last year. 

I'm only slightly creeped out that he was kind of spying on our garden ;o)  But I appreciate his advice and though we won't be building a stone wall and wooden roof house like his tomato plants have, we are trying to come up with something to help them out. 

So who wants to place bets on how long it will take for these to be vandalized by the girls? 

I seriously did not tell them to go stand innocently next to Momma's plants while I take a picture.  In fact, I feel like all I've been doing the past two days is telling them to steer clear, don't touch, don't look at, and don't think about touching Momma's plants.  But alas, some discipline has had to occur.  Hopefully they will get the importance of this garden venture and hopefully those seedlings won't be overturned by adorable but clumsy chubby fingers! 


  1. We just ordered our seeds and I'm SO excited! (Shhh...Don't tell my mom, but it's gonna be much bigger than expected!) And I'm crazy about everything that has to do with gardening right now, so this post made my little garden feelings (or as Jack Sparrow says it, "stirrings") get all stirred up again and I can't wait!!! :D

    1. I know it's so fun to be thinking Spring already even though it isn't yet!

  2. Nah, they won't get overturned. The girls will wait until there are little sprouts to pluck up. Then they'll very carefully uproot each one. Ask me how I know.

  3. We can't plant seedlings for another month. I'm so antsy to start the garden since we haven't had any real snow this year. The last frost date is still the last frost date though. I'm so excited for you! As far as a "house" for your tomatoes, it doesn't have to be fancy. Just do a quick "green house" with a clear tarp draped over some piping and tuck your tomatoes in there. No fuss, no muss! I agree with Melissa S, they won't touch them until there are seedlings to pull!

    1. I know! We had a similar mild winter here so while I feel like we should still get some snow, it doesn't seem to be happening and I'm happy to be looking toward Spring.

  4. Melissa - I'm picturing B but the way you described it ('very carefully uproot') makes me wonder if it was R instead of Todd junior?!?!?! I'll bite - - how DO you know?

  5. SPRING! I can hardly wait!! I just saw seeds at the BX the other day...I guess I should probably think about starting mine too! YAY!
