Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love Pills and Heart Food

Jesse and I didn't do anything "big" for Valentine's Day.  But we had a really nice day.  (We are going on a date day on Saturday when he's off.)  While he was home yesterday, we ate food, stayed in our pajamas, and watched LOST... I was impressed that the girls let us for the most part! 

I made him this little "love pill" pack for the week.  An idea I saw on Pinterest.  He has a note for each day of Valentine's Week plus a few love pills aka peanut butter M&M's.  Awwww. 

I just realized that this year is the five year anniversary of the weekend I fell in love with Jesse.  There was a huge storm Valentine's weekend which prevented us from flying to Florida to celebrate his Grandparent's 50th anniversary.  So instead, we flew to his home in Massachusetts... the first time I got to see Cape Cod and really spend time with his family.  And at the end of the weekend, I knew I wanted to marry the guy ;o) 

To make Vday fun for the girls, I did a breakfast and lunch of heart shaped foods.  I used this super easy recipe for breakfast casserole bites.  If you use a silicone mold (I have both a heart shaped one and a mini one) then you don't have to line them with foil cause you can just pop 'em out.  We did bacon and red pepper.  We rounded out the meal with apples and toast.

Lily was really excited about the oven fries for lunch.

More excited than she was about the chocolate covered strawberry for dessert!  Weirdo. 

Making cut out cookies for fun days is becoming a delicious but problematic tradition.  Cause I end up eating most of them and giving myself a tummy-ache!  I made Jen take home about half after she came over to watch a movie with me ;o)  And Lily pretty much asks for a "cook" every five minutes for the entire day.  See?  I have to gobble them up so she can't eat them all!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!  Love you Love you Love you to our family (and friends) back home! 


  1. the 'cooks' look delish! (as does all the heart shaped food!) the pill pack is a cool idea, too. my son is one blessed guy...thanks for making special days so special Jess :) xoxoxoxo

  2. Aw Love you MIL. Thanks for being so encouraging!
