Friday, March 16, 2012

Shift Work is So Discombobulating

Bye bye Swing Shift, hello Mid Shift!

Jesse's last Swing (from 3pm-11pm) was this week and now for the next ten weeks or so he'll be on Mids (11pm-7am).  We think we're going to like it... so far ;o)

One thing that I've already whined about with Swings is that I hate being alone at night.  Another thing I didn't like about that shift was that there were some days when I was out and about with the girls that we hardly saw him at all, even though technically he was home most of the morning.  And also, for some strange reason, I am less productive when J's home during the day.  I'm more likely to plop down on the couch next to him and convince him to watch LOST than I am to do chores.  Read: our house has gotten really dirty the past two months!

For example, today the girls and I went grocery shopping while Jesse slept.  In that morning time period, I was able to clean all three bathrooms, bathe Double Trouble, feed breakfast and lunch, stop at two grocery stores and one post office, mop the floor, and put the groceries away.  Then Jesse woke up.  Now he's out working in the garden (and calling for me to hurry up and join in!) and he'll be home with us the rest of the day.  If he was on Swings today, we would have been saying goodbye to him shortly after lunch cause he would have to go work out before his shift.  Boo.

So the moral of the story is, though I don't like the idea of sleeping alone in our great big bed every night... I'm so happy to have my husband home for the sunniest part of the day.  Not only do we both think we'll be more productive, but Mids just seem to fit better into my schedule... and it's all about me and my schedule, right?   Thought so. 

Once we get into the "swing" of Mids I'll let you know if my opinion stays the same.  Off to go dig in the garden now!


  1. mids=annoying. Unless your H is better than mine at deciding whether he is staying up until lunchtime every day and then going to bed, or going right to bed and waking up just in time for dinner. I vote he stays up awhile, that way if he has any business to attend to it is easier to do. Also he can babysit so you can go to appointments etc.

    my H loved swings, definitely fit his lifestyle best. I didn't mind them, as long as we could stay quietish while he was sleeping in the morning until 10 or so.

    It is very weird to switch shifts every 2 months! D did a lot of sleeping when we got out of the Navy, probably to make up for the missed hours, lol.

    1. I know! I can't decide if I like the change every two months or not. I think I do... since each shift has it's ups and downs, it's nice to be able to look forward to the next change up!
