Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dublin: Day Trip Through the Countryside

I think one of my favorite parts of our trip to Ireland was that we didn't stay in Dublin the whole time.  Say and Andrea researched some train tours where we could take a cool day trip to see some more of the beautiful country.

Traveling by train through the countryside seriously reminded me of upstate NY.  There was a part where the farmland and the hills all around really made me miss home.

So we got up early, took a train and then a bus to the city of Limerick... and then got a guided tour of this lovely castle.  Bunratty Castle.... on the river Shannon (Ireland's longest river).  The castle was built in 1425!  It was the stronghold of the O'Briens, who ruled the area. 

We had a delicious lunch stop at a pub in Doolin before heading to the Cliffs.  I think I was so starving because our bus driver was kind of a daredevil on those windy country roads!  So between feeling carsick and not having eaten much of substance that day, I ate this WHOLE plate of fish and chips.  And it. was. awesome! :o)

Then on to the Cliffs of Moher... some of the highest sea cliffs in Europe.  I can't even describe to you how impressive this was.  The scope is so much bigger than any camera can capture!  Especially with the wind about to blow you over!  So breathtaking!  Literally... that wind!

(Photo credit to Jen)  Then we drove down through The Burren on our way to Galway.  The Burren is a national park... in the Irish Language Burren means "rocky place"... this is where we saw the most stone fences, stone houses, and just... lots of rocks! 

This picture is of an old cemetery.  There are a few places near it that mark some of the mass graves that they had to use during the famine.  As you travel through The Burren you will see broken down houses similar to the church.  They're called "famine houses" and they are protected by law.  If you buy land with a famine house on it you can never tear it down.  It's a memorial to those who lost their lives during that terrible time.  It was sobering to see such a reminder of such a great sadness. 

We ended our tour when we got to Galway Bay... we switched from bus to train and then all of us groggily made it three hours back to Dublin.  All I really know about Galway is that in PS I Love You he sings to his wife about being a Galway girl and it's really cute ;o) 

There's my quick snap shot of Galway before ducking into the train station.  It was a great day full of beautiful sights! 


  1. So very, very neat! I LOVE the cliffs, simply majestic.

    1. I know! So inspiring... how does He DO that?

  2. Wow! Those cliffs are absolutely beautiful! It looks like you had an awesome time!

    1. It was super awesome. And I think the cliffs (and that whole day trip in general) was my favorite part. The "rest of the country" is so lovely!
