Sunday, April 22, 2012

I Give Up. She Wins This Round

We called it quits on the cold-turkey potty-training.  Perhaps I was being a little ambitious.  Or maybe Lily's a little stubborn.  Sometimes I think she's more grown-up than she is.

It's hard, cause she seems so grown up at times.  But at other times, as all toddler-mommies know, you are reminded that she's still just a baby.  I mean, she might be enjoying taking the lead on walks... but just two years ago she was a smushy baby who couldn't do a blessed thing on her own. 

Two and a half years old is a little young to expect full potty training.  And she's GREAT during the day, even on outings.  But she's just not ready to handle all night in panties.  And that's okay.  I gave it a little over a week trial period... in which I washed two dirty sheets every day ;o)  In my defense, I was trying to get her fully potty trained before the grandparents come to babysit for our vacation.  It would have been easier for them if she was diaper-free.  But hey, it is what it is.  We'll give it another go later this summer.

In the meantime, tomorrow morning we're picking Aunt Cassie and cousin Zave up from the airport!  I can't wait to rub Cassie's baby belly (and say hi to my future niece for the first time!), squeeze my nephew, and sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee and the good conversation that always comes with time spent with my Sis-in-law.  


  1. lol, I think that first photo is pretty appropriate for the post.

    1. Since you like it, I guess I *have* to give photo credit to Jesse.

  2. I think it was about 6 months of lag time between day and night training for our #2. he was ok some nights and not so much others. Win some, lose some!

    1. My problem is that LJ saves her poopy for diapers only. Meaning (I think) that she has the self-control to go in the potty but she just won't. She saves it for nap or bed when she's in a diaper (how thoughtful of her). So I was trying to break that habit. She's been really good during the day since the fall. I don't remember the last time she had a day time accident. Is she just being stubborn about the poop or is she just too little?

  3. I have to give you mad props for trying!!! You're a fantastic mom and you do a magnificent job of raising your little ones. (: excited for you that your sis-in-law is almost here!!! Time with family is good for the soul.

  4. she'll get it- how many 5 yr old girlsies are still using their dipe to poopee? :) no worries...(except cleaning it up is no fun - but you'll *win* soon)

    1. Well... I recently had a friend tell me her daughter asked for a diaper till she was four. Yikes! So yes, hopefully you're right ;o)
