Friday, April 6, 2012

I Really Care about Care Packages

We got our Easter package from my Mom yesterday.  It came at just the perfect time... and it included tons of great goodies for the girls (and chocolate!!!).  But most important, to me, it included plastic Easter Eggs.

I was lamenting to Mom last week about the lack of plastic Easter eggs around here.  I think we talked the day after I had been at the BX looking for eggs and they didn't have any.  And I was talking to an employee who was German and she said I didn't probably have a good chance of finding them on the economy because the Germans don't do egg hunts like Americans do.  The problem is that the BX had eggs but as soon as they put them out they sell out.  That's the nature of 50,000 Americans shopping at the same store, I guess :o\

I know, I know, I could have easily ordered some online.  But I was in the middle of trying to pack for Dublin and then I was going to be gone all weekend and I just told Mom I was kind of resigning myself to no egg hunt this year.  Which is fine, since neither girl would notice or care. 

But my Mom got my back.  She sent a huge bag of plastic eggs for me.  Now I feel like I can give my girls that traditional experience of being a kid at Easter time.  Thanks, Mom!  It really means a lot! 

Which got me to thinking about how much I really do love that both our moms take such good care of us in the care package department.  Every time I go to the post office I feel like it's Christmas or something ;o)  We often have goodies waiting for us from Gram and Gigi.  And whenever I open a package I can't help but smile as we go through each item... thinking of Mom or Toni shopping for us, seeing things we'd like, thinking of our favorite candies.  It's so great... thank you both!

Here's a little video of us opening the package.  Lily was kind of not interested in looking at me with the camera, ha!


  1. Bwahahaha - - I was just totally laughing out loud at the pics of the girls with the silly glasses on and Steph was sitting across the room saying, "you know I can't see what you're looking at, right?" But I did not care - it was hilarious!!! Thanks for posting pics so fast, love - - I love you all so much and hope you have a happy Easter (complete with egg hunt!)

  2. ps - I love how SJ expected the eggs to shake, and LJ wanted everything (including the eggs) OP(ened)

    1. I also loved how the eggs went right in Sam's mouth. Thanks again, we're definitely going to have a fun egg hunt... I'm thinking Sunday after nap :o)

  3. good job Gigi!
    have only looked at these 5or6 times since you posted- makes a grams heart glad to see her girlsies in germany!- and will prob look many more times...thanks for posting Jess- such fun to see you all and hear how things are going
    absolutely best pic (that is prone to change with each viewing!) is the one of you and Lilbear!!!! she loves her momma : )

    1. I like that picture, too. She is recently into seeing the image of the picture of herself after I take it... so she will sometimes sit still long enough for a good shot if I keep showing her the pictures in between :o) What a cute kid.

  4. That video is too cute!! Titus acts the same way Lily did when I pull out the camera. :o)

    1. Yeah she doesn't always do it but sometimes she's a stinker!

  5. So fun!!! I love how those bunny ears look on them. Too cute! :)

    1. The ears were cute for about 2.5 seconds. Then Sam bent the crap out of them. I'm calling them "mutilated bunny ears" now ;o)

    2. Shhhh but more bunny ears are on the way... guess granmoms think alike sometimes ;)

  6. How has Dublin been? Jealous that you're there.

    1. Oh yes it was amazing! Four wonderful days. If there weren't so many other places to visit I'd go back there in a heartbeat!
