Saturday, April 14, 2012

A New (and Highly Talented) Friend

So my new friend Kirsten came over again yesterday.  She's helping me do some redesigning of the blog :o)  But what she's really teaching me to do is use Photoshop!  Which is amazing, because that program is something that I would probably have had on my "to-do-later" list for 8 million years before actually learning how to use it.  All I asked was if she could help me freshen things up (I was admiring her blog template)... what I didn't know is that she can teach me to custom design my own!  How fun!

So she's coming over every once in awhile to teach me the basics of a very complicated (to me) program.  But that's not all that Kirsten can do... she does crazy awesome DIY projects, she designed all the invites for her upcoming princess wedding... as well as a super cool wedding website (read her story, it's adorable!), she loves cooking from scratch as much as me, and she owns a cupcake company!!!

She brought these red velvet cupcakes over... leftovers from her husband's birthday this week that we were more than happy to help take off her hands :o)  The best part about them is that they aren't sicky-sweet... so you can eat, say, more than one in a sitting.  Not that I would know anything about that.

I can't wait till she gets back from the States this summer and really starts her business up again.  I'm totally budging to the front of the "let me taste test these for you" line :o)

Oh yeah, and she has a master's degree in architecture.  No big deal.  

Needless to say, I'm very thankful for my new friend.  Not just for the ways I can use her to get more fancy cupcakes into our life.  And not just because she's willing to come sit on my floor and teach me Photoshop...

Mostly because, when I sit and gab with her for hours, I know I've found yet another kindred spirit in so many ways.  And I'm so thankful that God has been so faithful over and over and over to do this.  The heartbreaking part about military life (so many goodbyes to so many great friends) also brings about a great thing: new friends.

And this particular new friend reminds me that though I'm still feeling the sting of saying goodbye to Amber and Laura, there are more best buds around every corner :o)


  1. Oh My Lord. I am beyond flattered... and speechless. I have tears welling in my eyeballs. My only hope is that I can live up to the brightly colored picture you've painted of me. Your kindness is ever so appreciated. SO glad we met!!!! love you. (:

    1. I've been so encouraged every time we hang out! So you're welcome and here's to many more hangings-out!!
