Sunday, May 27, 2012

We're Back!

Just wait till you see all our pictures.  I'm not even going to give you a teaser right now cause all our pictures are on the big computer already... but I promise you I'll work on posting them soon.  It's going to take awhile ;o)  I think J said we took over 2,000 photos!

But you'll have to wait while I soak up one last day with my wonderful in-laws before they head home.  God bless them a thousand times for giving us this opportunity!

And the picture posting is also going to be slow going because I'll be busy kissing my girls.  (Photo credit to Toni.)  I swear they grew up so much in just three short weeks... Lily seems taller to me and both girls are talking more... AND Sammy started walking!  So I just want to smooch them all day long.  I missed them so much!

There's nothing like living out of a backpack for three weeks to remind you how much you love the comforts of home.  I was almost as happy to see my washing machine as I was to see my children! :o)  I can't say I'm super excited to start doing dishes again but I'm definitely excited to settle back into the kitchen.  And boy was it nice to be back in our own bed again!

I can't tell you how awesome our trip was... well yeah, I can.  But you'll have to wait till I have a little more time!  I love you all and I've really missed blogging so get ready to get bombarded with posts...coming soon to an Aiduk blog near you!


  1. I for one am very GLAD you have missed blogging b/c I've missed your blogs ALOT!!!! Three weeks is a LONG time not to hear anything about your grandkids! Love you - glad you are home!!!

  2. That is one freakin' awesome kiss! I can see your neck muscles! (and your earrings are as cool as ever :)

    1. Haha I do have pretty beefy neck muscles ;o) And the kiss is intense because she wouldn't give me a kiss so I stole one. I told her I gave birth to her so I have to right to take kisses whenever I want... especially after long absences!

  3. I can't believe she started walking!! I am so excited about the next months worth of posts!!! (: Welcome home!!
