Monday, June 18, 2012

Coffee Abuse

Coffee lovers beware:  the following photos might disturb you...

And so begins what was GOING to be a nice relaxing two hours of me-time while the girls were napping.

But alas, it was not meant to be.  Rest in peace, my beloved first french press.  I shall greatly miss you :o(  Ever since I got you a year and a half ago, I have loved you so much and will never never go back to drinking drip coffee every day.  It's french press or nothing.

Just kidding.  I can't really part with my morning cuppa.  Or my afternoon one either ;o)  So I broke down and started experimenting with this guy... who we got for free and is a little temperamental.  It's not a bad cup of coffee, it's just not the same.  

But it'll have to do until I can decide if I a) want to buy a replacement glass carafe for my single serve french press or b) want to buy a larger press so I can more easily serve yummy french press to company.  

Does anyone know if it's kosher to make, say, a single cup of coffee with an 8 cup french press?  Do you just put less coffee/water in and it turns out fine?  

Good news:  I didn't get *much* boiling hot coffee on myself and I did NOT get shards of glass in my legs.  Though I did get a stain on my shorts.  But it came out.

Other good news:  My floor got mopped.  It had been awhile.  

The end.


  1. Awwww- i have such fond memories of the little guy...

  2. such a sad sad story (just kidding - doesn't bother me a bit!) however I AM glad that you didn't get hurt and that the girls were asleep! love ya!

    1. Yep, that was my first thought. Oh wait, my second. My first was OH NO MY COFFEE PRESS and the second was whew at least I don't have to worry about the girls getting into this mess before I have a chance to clean it up!

  3. OHMIGOD!!!!!!!! *sounds of hyperventilating* Jesssss!!!!! Ay dios mio!!!!! Damn tile floor... I swear... I've decided ours is cursed!!! Although I have to tell you... EPIC photo. I love that in this moment if utter disparity and sorrow, you reached for the camera!!! Reason # 154 why we're friends. (:

    1. I didn't mention that I cried for a little bit before grabbing the camera. Like, only a few sad tears. But seriously, what a shame! And yes, those floors SUCK. I've now lost an iPod screen and a french press... OH and they've given tons of bruises to the little girl noggins that we know and love!

  4. I lost every single glass I moved to Italy with thanks to our tile floors. Except the ones I never unpacked. At least I know what our kitchen floor here will NOT have on it!

    Check your local flea markets for replacement glass parts. I know ours in Sicily had every replacement french press part you could ever want, including the little washers and mesh filters.

    ps: my press is the exact same one as yours. I love it, wish I'd picked up the next size when I was overseas!
