Friday, June 8, 2012

Days 15-17: Paris

I think I need to update my "favorites list"... cause I was telling people that my favorites stops on our trip were Venice, Barcelona, and then Amsterdam.  But I think I need to revise it to say Venice, Paris, and then Amsterdam... Barcelona was great but that was really only because we got to go the the beach ;o)

But Paris is lovely.  The Notre Dame was beautiful on a Sunday.

This love lock bridge was really cute.

We got to see the Arc de Triomphe at sunset.

But I think the obvious icing on the cake of Paris is the Eiffel.  

It's insane.  We went all the way to the top for an amazing view of the city.

And then back again at night for a romantic view of it all lit up.  I'm glad Paris is only four hours away from us because I definitely want to go back :o)  Here are the rest of the pictures.  


  1. Four hours away...from Paris. Paris. I'm driving 3 1/2 hours tomorrow to a family reunion. In PA. I need to go rethink my life. ;)

    1. I know! But it's not as easy as it sounds to just pick up and go with the kids. You probably understand that even more than everyone else in my life! The fact that this was my first visit in a year of living this close kind of sums it up ;o)

  2. you guys are good photogs! love love love you all xoxoxox

  3. Oh, Paris! One of the places I for sure want to visit one of these days! Your post definitely sealed that desire! Beautiful pictures!

    1. Well, eh-hem... Paris is really only a hop away for you my dear ;o) COME SEE ME!!!!!!
