Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Lost My Watch in Barcelona and Now I'm a Better Mom

Hi, my name is Jessica, and I have a watch problem. I didn't realize I was such an addict until I accidentally left my watch on the beach during our vacation. And then decided not to buy a replacement right away.

I mean, you don't need a watch on vacation.  

Well come to find out, I don't need a watch for real life either. In fact, I think I'm better off without it! I didn't realize how often I looked at the time... how often I stressed about "what time it was" and the fact that "we needed to hurry up and do this and that" before "that time".

I also didn't realize how much of my day to day stress was based on the fact that we were running behind this imaginary demonic schedule that I hadn't really created intentionally. But it was there. And it bugged me. And I wanted to be "on time". Always. Even for silly things like dinner time and bedtime. (5:30 and 7pm.  SHARP)

So like I said... I'm a better Mom lately. I know what time it is because I have an apple device or a phone always nearby.  And I'm still very productive.  But I'm happier throughout the day because I'm not looking at my watch every five minutes.  And I think my kids are, too!

I'm finding that being watch-free means I'm more interested in how the kids are feeling (hungry/sleepy/cranky/happy) than what time it is (lunchtime/naptime/playtime/chill time). I start cooking dinner when I feel my tummy growl or when Lily asks "want food Mommy"... or when I look at the iPod and realize it's about that time. I put them down for nap roughly after lunch. And bed "around" 7pm just like usual. But it feels different.

If this sounds confusing, then it's because you're not a high-strung-type-A person like me. You've probably always operated life this way. And I'm jealous of you. But I'm very much a to-do-lists-matter and getting to bed at EXACTLY bedtime is important by George!

So now I have room on my wrist for the pretty bracelet Jesse got me in Paris. And I don't feel stressed about what time it is. When the time matters (let's make it to the Squadron picnic on time, okay?) I'm all over it.

But when it doesn't matter... boy am I happy to just go with the flow!


  1. your mom is grinning right now - - but your dad would be cringing (and probably your youngest sister, too - - the one with the watch tan in the middle of winter!)

    1. Haha yep! I know where I get it from! ;o)

    2. yeah - and Steph's watch broke down in the middle of the night last night and started beeping randomly so we'll have to get a new one before camp!

    3. I definitely think camp is one of the places I couldn't live without a watch!

  2. This makes me laugh enormously!!! Because I totally get it! I am a ridiculous time nazi!!! The hilarious part is that's refuse to wear a watch... Although not because of the time thing but because my wrist isnt used to it... And dana is dying to get me one... But now I can explain to him what will happen if I wear one... Something tells me he'll be less inclined to make the purchase!!!

    1. Seriously! Don't do it lol. You'll be lost forever to THEWATCHISGOD-syndrome ;o)

  3. Yay! I have to admit I've been trying to make myself pay more attention to actual time for my kids and their routines. No matter how hard I tried it wasn't happening. Going with the flow and paying attention to their specific needs is much easier!!! (and like you said- everyone is much happier!)

    1. Yep. You still get what you need done, but you don't stress about the time you get it done in. It's better. (Now, rewind to when my kids were babies and getting on a sleep schedule and I would still say that Dr. Ezzo is my hero and a watch *might* be important during that time.) Other than that, go with the flow rocks!

  4. Good for you Jess! :) I am pretty laid back naturally and I tried doing the whole schedule thing when Zeph was a baby... I was stressed alot. Then when Naamah came along... I went complete opposite and did no schedule. And yes, we were all much happier. I think with number 3 baking we may be able to find a middle ground, but I def lean towards going with the flow. Obviously it's not for everyone but it sure made my life easier! :) Live and learn. It's so wonderful that kids are so flexible and don't remember much when they are little. ;)
    Love ya!
    ps I make my one cup of coffee in an 8 cup french press every day and it works perfect for me. I almost cried when I saw your broken one!!

    1. Oh girl after my own heart! I'm so sorry I almost made you cry ;o) BUT thanks so much for the tip about doing a one cup in an 8 cupper! I think I'm sold on buying a larger one now. Love you tooooo!

  5. I too must confess my watch addiction. Often I've wondered how life would be if I.... *gasp* ....took it off. I should take a break. Really. I should. My excuse for delaying the break right now is that I have a lovely band of white there now and it would look horrible without my watch there. Soooo, I can keep it on for another few months....right? Good.

    Actually, this post has inspired me....perhaps I WILL take it off for a spell. And like you did, I could put a bracelet on instead, that would take care of the tan line problem. Hmmmmmmm.

    1. You should totally swap out for a bracelet and see if it helps you chill a bit! I mean, it's not like taking off our watches means we can't access the time (clock in the kitchen or on the computer or the mobile devices) BUT when I'm playing on the floor with my kids, I don't really need to know what time it is right that second, you know? So maybe it would be the same for you... you'd just enjoy cooking or reading or hanging out with family and live in the moment a little better? That's what it's done for me! Life changing I tell ya ;o)

    2. So, I've been thinking about it for a few days and just last night I finally took my watch off. In just one day I've had the urge to look at my watch many, many times--and almost 99% of the time, it's for nothing important! I mean, centuries of people have lived wonderful lives without knowing the time...besides their own rough calculations of course, and I think I can do without one more device telling me to hurry up. The best part is that I don't regret it at all. Sure, it gets me a bit "frazzled" perhaps, to not know the time but I'm already glad that I took it off. I'll be keeping my watch around for my morning alarm but besides that, and perhaps when we go on trips, it'll stay by my bed...and I'm already feeling an amazing and rather strange sense of freedom. I do believe it's life changing...I'm sure that my future self will owe many thanks to you for helping me appreciate the little and best things in life. And my present self has already seen enough benefits to give you a very sincere, thank you!!! =)

    3. Aw this is so awesome! I'm so excited that you found it just as beneficial as I did! Who knew people like us could get such a sense of freedom from such a simple act as not wearing a watch. You are so very welcome!

  6. I love this post! I totally lost my watch too when I went back home in April! I, however have not been able to do without. I ended up finding an old one in my house and using that. But, it's stretchy and pinches my skin all the time. I think you have inspired me to just give it up! :)

  7. My watch broke in bed last night. You have convinced me not to replace it. I'm going to embrace my freedom!

    1. Yay! (I am so resisting the urge to make some wise crack joke about how you broke your watch in bed LOL)
