Monday, June 4, 2012

Weekend Break

Jesse's "weekend" this week (and actually for most of this month) is Sunday/Monday.  So I took a break from vacation picture sorting... but don't worry, we still have Rome, Milan, Barcelona, Paris, AND Amsterdam to show :o)

In the meantime, here are some recent home videos.

This one is of the girls with my friend Jacki's kids at the Dino Park.  I decided to get a season pass because it's a joint ticket to the Dino Park and the Japanese Gardens... since the kids like both so much I figured it'd be fun to do a once a week outing this summer.  Isn't this swing so fun?

Here was attempt #1 at a good video of Sammy walking.  She was kind of fussy that morning.

But this one was better... she loves to brush her teeth so this is her walking to where I keep the toothbrushes.  If you listen close you can hear her say "seees" for teeth.  And when I ask her if she wants to brush she says "yeah".  It's so crazy to have an 18mo talking already... but I have to remember not to compare normal verbal development (Sam) to slightly sloooooow verbal development (Lily).  And everyone says #2 talks so much faster than #1.  Definitely true in this family!


  1. thanks for the fam post - - this gramma is grateful!!!! :o) love yous!

    1. Yeah who needs Europe pics when you've got LJ and SJ? Love you too!

  2. Those swings are pretty neat! And yay for Sam walking!!!
